유니티에서 만든 환경 AltVR로 출력하는 법

Elliott·2021년 1월 29일


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Exporting Unity environment to AltVR


  • AltVR account
  • Install AltVR


  1. Download the latest Unity Uploader(https://help.altvr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015520014-How-do-I-get-started-with-the-World-Building-Toolkit-Unity-Uploader-)

  2. In my case, when I double clicked the file, the pop up to import the package automatically showed up in Unity

  3. AltSpaceVR (Top menu in Unity) > Build Settings

  4. You will see AltspaceVR build Settings pop-up. Log-in with your account

  5. Create a new Template. It will lead you to the website to make a new template.

  1. If you want to see how it turns out as you are building your environment,

    1) Click "Load your Templates" Button to choose a template that you want to update. In your case, the new one you've just made.

    2) click "Build&Upload" Button. It will update the template with your environment

  2. To use the template to build your world, go to AltVR Website(https://account.altvr.com/worlds)

    1) My Worlds (Top menu)

    2) Create Universe

    3) In the Universe, Create World

    4) The template you made will show up here. Select it, create world, then you are good to go.
    Enter your world.


  • 설명과 다르게 한 부분이 없는데 altVR이 제대로 작동하지 않는 경우가 있다. 나 같은 경우에는 내 탬플릿에 엑세스 할 수 없다는 메시지가 떴었는데, 탬플릿 이름에서 언더바를 빼고 새 탬플릿을 만들었더니 해결이 됐다. 정확히 이게 문제였던 건진 모르겠지만 시도해봐서 손해볼 건 없으니까.

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