In your opinion, what benefits should a person get to have a comfortable retirement ?

Ericamoyed·2021년 7월 4일


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  • Someone might decide to lower the retirement age to 50 or 40.
  • I disagree with any one who says that we should make workers retire at age 60.

To have a comfortable retirement, I think we have to earn many money. Many people usually works which they don't like. They work just to earn money. It means, they sacrifice present for future. Because of these tendency, many people enjoy their life and do the thing which they really love after retirement. But important thing is, because we already retire from the work, now we can't get money from the thing we really like. It means, it's just the time for expense.
In conclusion, to have a comfortable retirement, such as enjoying their life full with their lovely things, we have to earn enough money to do those things.

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