What benefits would you like to receive in a company?

Ericamoyed·2021년 7월 4일


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  • venue: 장소

오늘의 문장

  • He hasn't paid any deposit for these booking yet.
  • It starts at 10am and lasts until 4pm.

First, working in a company makes me feel as a meaningful person. Because we are working together, they expect something to me, and also there are fixed works what I have to do. After I finished some works assigned to me, I make many people use the system which I developed. They try to use it, and many colleagues ask me about those work. I think someone finding me for help is great thing. It make me feel as a meaningful person.
Second, we get some salary after work. work can be too tough to do, and difficult to solve it. But, even though those problems, we can happily try continuously because we get money from the job.
To sum up, the company makes us feel as meaningful person, and it makes us get some money. I think those two things are the benefits that I can get from the company.

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