Multivariate Linear Regression

POOHYA·2021년 12월 26일

Multivariate Linear Regression란?

복수의 정보가 존재할때 하나의 추측값을 계산하는 것
예를 들어, 세번의 쪽지 시험 성적을 바탕으로 final exam 성적을 계산하기


Hypothesis Function

입력 변수가 3개니까 weight도 3개!

Hypothesis Function: Naive

단순한 Hypothesis 정의

hypothesis = x1_train * w1 + x2_train * w2 + x3_train * w3 + b

하지만 x가 길이 1000의 vector라면?

# 데이터
x1_train = torch.FloatTensor([[73], [93], [89], [96], [73]])
x2_train = torch.FloatTensor([[80], [88], [91], [98], [66]])
x3_train = torch.FloatTensor([[75], [93], [90], [100], [70]])
y_train = torch.FloatTensor([[152], [185], [180], [196], [142]])
# 모델 초기화
w1 = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
w2 = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
w3 = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
# optimizer 설정
optimizer = optim.SGD([w1, w2, w3, b], lr=1e-5)

nb_epochs = 1000
for epoch in range(nb_epochs + 1):
    # H(x) 계산
    hypothesis = x1_train * w1 + x2_train * w2 + x3_train * w3 + b

    # cost 계산
    cost = torch.mean((hypothesis - y_train) ** 2)

    # cost로 H(x) 개선

    # 100번마다 로그 출력
    if epoch % 100 == 0:
        print('Epoch {:4d}/{} w1: {:.3f} w2: {:.3f} w3: {:.3f} b: {:.3f} Cost: {:.6f}'.format(
            epoch, nb_epochs, w1.item(), w3.item(), w3.item(), b.item(), cost.item()
Epoch    0/1000 w1: 0.294 w2: 0.297 w3: 0.297 b: 0.003 Cost: 29661.800781
Epoch  100/1000 w1: 0.674 w2: 0.676 w3: 0.676 b: 0.008 Cost: 1.563634
Epoch  200/1000 w1: 0.679 w2: 0.677 w3: 0.677 b: 0.008 Cost: 1.497603
Epoch  300/1000 w1: 0.684 w2: 0.677 w3: 0.677 b: 0.008 Cost: 1.435026
Epoch  400/1000 w1: 0.689 w2: 0.678 w3: 0.678 b: 0.008 Cost: 1.375730
Epoch  500/1000 w1: 0.694 w2: 0.678 w3: 0.678 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.319503
Epoch  600/1000 w1: 0.699 w2: 0.679 w3: 0.679 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.266215
Epoch  700/1000 w1: 0.704 w2: 0.679 w3: 0.679 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.215693
Epoch  800/1000 w1: 0.709 w2: 0.679 w3: 0.679 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.167821
Epoch  900/1000 w1: 0.713 w2: 0.680 w3: 0.680 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.122419
Epoch 1000/1000 w1: 0.718 w2: 0.680 w3: 0.680 b: 0.009 Cost: 1.079375

Hypothesis Function: Matrix

matmul()로 한번에 계산
a. 더 간결하고,
b. x의 길이가 바뀌어도 코드를 바꿀 필요가 없고
c. 속도도 더 빠르다

hypothesis = x_train.matmul(w) + b # or .mm or @

Cost function: MSE

기존 Simple Linear Regression과 동일한 공식!

cost = torch.mean((hypothesis - y_train) ** 2)

Gradient Descent with torch.optim

x_train = torch.FloatTensor([[73, 80, 75],
                             [93, 88, 93],
                             [89, 91, 90],
                             [96, 98, 100],
                             [73, 66, 70]])
y_train = torch.FloatTensor([[152], [185], [180], [196], [142]])
# 모델 초기화
W = torch.zeros((3, 1), requires_grad=True)
b = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True)
# optimizer 설정
optimizer = optim.SGD([W, b], lr=1e-5)

nb_epochs = 20
for epoch in range(nb_epochs + 1):
    # H(x) 계산
    hypothesis = x_train.matmul(W) + b # or .mm or @

    # cost 계산
    cost = torch.mean((hypothesis - y_train) ** 2)

    # cost로 H(x) 개선

    # 100번마다 로그 출력
    print('Epoch {:4d}/{} hypothesis: {} Cost: {:.6f}'.format(
        epoch, nb_epochs, hypothesis.squeeze().detach(), cost.item()
Epoch    0/20 hypothesis: tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) Cost: 29661.800781
Epoch    1/20 hypothesis: tensor([67.2578, 80.8397, 79.6523, 86.7394, 61.6605]) Cost: 9298.520508
Epoch    2/20 hypothesis: tensor([104.9128, 126.0990, 124.2466, 135.3015,  96.1821]) Cost: 2915.713135
Epoch    3/20 hypothesis: tensor([125.9942, 151.4381, 149.2133, 162.4896, 115.5097]) Cost: 915.040527
Epoch    4/20 hypothesis: tensor([137.7968, 165.6247, 163.1911, 177.7112, 126.3307]) Cost: 287.936005
Epoch    5/20 hypothesis: tensor([144.4044, 173.5674, 171.0168, 186.2332, 132.3891]) Cost: 91.371017
Epoch    6/20 hypothesis: tensor([148.1035, 178.0144, 175.3980, 191.0042, 135.7812]) Cost: 29.758139
Epoch    7/20 hypothesis: tensor([150.1744, 180.5042, 177.8508, 193.6753, 137.6805]) Cost: 10.445305
Epoch    8/20 hypothesis: tensor([151.3336, 181.8983, 179.2240, 195.1707, 138.7440]) Cost: 4.391228
Epoch    9/20 hypothesis: tensor([151.9824, 182.6789, 179.9928, 196.0079, 139.3396]) Cost: 2.493135
Epoch   10/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.3454, 183.1161, 180.4231, 196.4765, 139.6732]) Cost: 1.897688
Epoch   11/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.5485, 183.3610, 180.6640, 196.7389, 139.8602]) Cost: 1.710541
Epoch   12/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.6620, 183.4982, 180.7988, 196.8857, 139.9651]) Cost: 1.651413
Epoch   13/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7253, 183.5752, 180.8742, 196.9678, 140.0240]) Cost: 1.632387
Epoch   14/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7606, 183.6184, 180.9164, 197.0138, 140.0571]) Cost: 1.625923
Epoch   15/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7802, 183.6427, 180.9399, 197.0395, 140.0759]) Cost: 1.623412
Epoch   16/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7909, 183.6565, 180.9530, 197.0538, 140.0865]) Cost: 1.622141
Epoch   17/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7968, 183.6643, 180.9603, 197.0618, 140.0927]) Cost: 1.621253
Epoch   18/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.7999, 183.6688, 180.9644, 197.0662, 140.0963]) Cost: 1.620500
Epoch   19/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.8014, 183.6715, 180.9666, 197.0686, 140.0985]) Cost: 1.619770
Epoch   20/20 hypothesis: tensor([152.8020, 183.6731, 180.9677, 197.0699, 140.1000]) Cost: 1.619033
  • 점점 작아지는 cost 점점 y에 가까워지는 H(x)


import torch.nn as nn

class MultivariateLinearRegressionModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.linear = nn.Linear(3, 1)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.linear(x)
  • nn.Linear(3,1)
    • 입력차원 : 3
    • 출력차원 : 1
  • Hypothesis 계산은 forward()에서!
  • Gradient 계산은 Pytorch가 알아서 해준다 backward()


import torch.nn.funcional as F

cost = F.mse_loss(predicion, y_train)
  • torch.nn.funcional에서 제공하는 loss function 사용
  • 쉽게 다른 loss와 교체 가능! (li_loss, smooth_lo_loss 등...)
  • 디버깅시 유리

Full Code with torch.optim

# 데이터
x_train = torch.FloatTensor([[73, 80, 75],
                             [93, 88, 93],
                             [89, 91, 90],
                             [96, 98, 100],
                             [73, 66, 70]])
y_train = torch.FloatTensor([[152], [185], [180], [196], [142]])
# 모델 초기화
model = MultivariateLinearRegressionModel()
# optimizer 설정
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-5)

nb_epochs = 20
for epoch in range(nb_epochs+1):
    # H(x) 계산
    prediction = model(x_train)
    # cost 계산
    cost = F.mse_loss(prediction, y_train)
    # cost로 H(x) 개선
    # 20번마다 로그 출력
    print('Epoch {:4d}/{} Cost: {:.6f}'.format(
        epoch, nb_epochs, cost.item()

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