토익 리딩 오답노트

Kiwoong Park·2022년 4월 4일

남들 다하는 그 토익, 이제 부터라도 한걸음씩 포기하지 말고

단어 정리 규칙

모르는 단어 및 숙어

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모르는 단어

In observance of

  • a formal event performed on a special occation

  • conformity with law or custom or practice etc.

    In observance of the local custom, the visitors took off their shoes at the front door when entering the house.

    I'm practicing dance in observance of the local tradition.

In anticipation of

  • expecting that (something will happen or that someone will arrive)

  • if something is done in anticipation of an event, it is done because people believe that event is going to happen

    The decision to hire additional shift workers was made in anticipation of an increase in demand for electric blankets during winter months

    I'm waiting an announcement of business proposal review in anticipation of approval of my business proposal.

contend with

  • to deal with (something difficult or unpleasant)

  • to have to deal with a difficult person or situation

    Employees who drive to work have to contend with slow-moving traffic and are thus stressed out when they arrive at the office

    I have to contend with my boss who is speaking slowly and unclear


  • (동사) to have or include (someone or something) as an important part
  • (동사) to discuss or mention (something or someone) in a noticeable way, to give particular attention to (someone or something) important

    The art center's Web site features an interactive panoramic viewer that gives visitors a complete picture of ongoing exhibits
    The opera ceremony will hold on next tuesday which featured famous opera singer
    feature : 특징으로 하다, 출연하다(feat. xxx), 나오다


  • (동사) to make (something) easier, to help cause (something)
  • (동사) to help (something) run more smoothly and effectively

    When applying for an extended medical leave, please submit all the pertinent(관련된, 적절한) documents to the administrative department to facilitate approval of your request
    I'll buy new fancy running shoes to facilitate recovery of foot's fatigue


  • (명사) a person or business that makes or sells confections (such as chocolates and candies)

    A newly-opened confectioner's shop on Butterfly Avenue offers custormers the widest selection of chocolates, candy and other sweets from around the world
    Any city has region-wide famous confection which improve happiness of citizen


  • (명사) a pleasant and usually sweet smell
  • (명사) a perfume or cologne

    The demand for a line of fragrances produced by a French perfumer almost tripled soon after it was featured in a film
    When I was discharged upon completing my military service, my co-worker gave me an expensive fragrance which I never have used


  • (동사) to begin or attempt (something)

  • (동사) to agree or promise to do

  • (동사) usually followed by to + verb

    University professors both teach and undertake research

    The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident

    I'll undertake to learn to swim in this summer

speculate (푸앙카레의 추측은 conjecture)

  • (동사) to think about something and make guesses about it, to form ideas or theories about something usually when there are many things not known about it

  • (동사) to invest money in ways that could produce a large profit but that also involve a lot of risk

    Starworks Incorporated's merger with Thomson Printers ended weeks of speculation regarding its future

    Some rich people had an experience of speculating real estate


  • (동사) to begin (a role, duty, etc.) as a job or responsibility

    I assume a leadership role

    Soon after the CEO resigned, the company's second in command assumed the title(직함), and an announcement of the company's new administrator was made (make an announcement : 발표하다 공표하다)

delegate (delegated to)

  • (동사) to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone; to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.)

  • (동사) to choose (someone) to do something

  • (동사) often used as (be) delegated

    My first manager often delegated me when he took a leave of absent

    Some managers find it difficult to delegate

    Some of the ligther administrative duties will be delegated to two new employees until Janet returns from her maternity leave


  • (동사) to gradually become smaller

    The water in the well has dwindle away into nothing to bottom

    The biscuit in the plate has dwindled as time passed in the party


  • (부사) for a short time, for a moment, briefly

  • (부사) very soon, at any moment

    The KTX train will stop momentarily to remain some distance to train in front

    Production in the factory was halted momentarily to allow a technician to remove a component stuck in one of the machines


  • (형용사) usually done in particular situation or at a particular place or time

  • (형용사) usual or typical of a particular person

    In some industries, it is customary for wokers to put in extra work hours without being remunerated(remunerate: 보수를 지불하다) for overtime

    It is customary for people in Korea to put personal stuff on table in cafe for occupying one's seat to prevent others


  • (형용사) thinking about the rights and feelings of other people, showing kindness toward other people

    Please be considerate of other passengers by keeping the plane's restroom clean

    You must be considerate to serve foreigner who has different custom to the way of ours


  • (복수명사) a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context

    The company makes compensation in cases where a worker is injured by an accident occurring on the premises(공장 부지) of the factory

    That premises are adorable to real estate agent or rich people because of accessibility to central city


  • (형용사) very strict or severe

  • (형용사) used to describe a command, rule, etc., that must be obeyed

    Quality control workers are stringently(용서없이, 가혹하게) trained to check products at every stage of the manufacturing process and identify any issues

    figther plane pilot must be stringently trained to combat real enemy and survive from them


  • (동사) to make (something that is bad, unpleasant, etc.) better or more acceptable (=compensate for)

  • (동사) to exchange (something, such as a coupon or lottery ticket) for money, an award, etc.

  • (동사) to buy (something, such as a stock or bond)

    The coupons for the optical shop must be redeemed before their expiry date at the end of September

    The engineer has to redeem a fault of joint for two functional component used in elevator (의미상 어울리지는 않는 것 같음)

    The hotel manager has to redeem an unpleasant experience of hotel guest as a discout coupon

comply with

  • (동사) to do what you have been asked or ordered to do

    Most people agree that companies comply with environmental laws, but some believe the laws are too strict

    We must comply with the custom of foreign country if you really want to get in touch with people in that place


  • (명사) the act or process of making a complete list of the things that are in a place, the act or process of making an inventory

    Are we still going to do our inventory(재고조사) this weekend?


  • (동사) to make (something) known to the public

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover(인수합병) to the press

    A victim of sexual harassment usually don't want to disclose the crime to others


  • (명사 formal) a command, rule, duty, etc., that is very important or necessary

  • (명사) the form that a verb or sentecne has when it is expressing a commnand

  • (명사) an imperative verb or sentece

  • (형용사 formal) very important

  • (형용사) having the form that expresses a command rather than a statement or a question compare declarative, indicative, interrogative

  • (형용사) expressing a command in a forceful and confident way

    Speaking to his assistant about his appointments, Steve said it was imperative for him to be present at a conference in Tacoma

    A famous restaurant head chef used imperative tone in kitchen to control a quality of fine dining



  • (형용사) very easy to see or notice opposite inconspicuous

  • (형용사) attracting attention by being great or impressive

    The notice requesting staff to observe cleanliness in the break room(휴게실) is posted conspicuously on the wall

    A receptionist of conference has to get dressed conspicuously

transcript of records

  • (명사) a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken

  • (명사) an official record of a stiudent's grades

    Graduating students who mail in their application are reminded that a copy of their transcript of records must be attached to the form

reference materials

The top-selling books printed by the Minton Publishing Company are reference materials(참고도서) (although) its romance novels are also very popular with the reading public


  • (동사) to use (something) for a particular purpose or to do something

  • (동사) to use or direct (something, such as your time or effort) in order to achieve a particular goal

  • (동사) to use or get the services of (someone) to do a particular job

    The Angel Light Cosmetics Company says that only natural ingredients are (employed) in the manufacture of all of tis products.

    The creative chef employed unimaginable ingredient to make special food for patron


  • (명사) a section of a town or city

  • (명사) often used before another noun

  • (명사) the people who live near each other

    The neighborhood(지역, 지방) appeals(매력적이다, 마음에 들다) to outsiders because its utilities are more economical, and its homes are inexpensive compared to those in other communities

split the bill

  • split the bill (비용을) 각자 부담하다, 나눠 내다.

    Why don't we split the bill for dinner?

    My current boss often split the bill when our team have dinner together

stick out of

stick out

  • (구동사) to extend outward beyond an edge or surface

  • (구동사) to extend (something, such as a body part) outward

  • (구동사) to be easily seen or recognized

  • to be very noticeable or easy to see

    The Cottrell Street Bridge was closed this morning owing to the replacement of expansion joints, which had been sticking out of the roadway

    Traffic signs have to be built on a spot where stick out of the road


  • (명사) a place from which something (such as a business or military action) is conrtolled or directed

    We are planning to move our new headquarters


  • (형용사) intended to honor an important event or person from the past

    All enrollees at the culinary institutes' Thai cooking workshop will receive a certificate and commemorative mug upon completing the four-week course.

    The scene in which the hero of 'Beautiful mind' took the commemorative fountain pen from other researchers has admired me still



  • (형용사) moving or speaking quickly, quick and efficient

  • (형용사) pleasantly cool or cold

  • (형용사) done with quickness and energy

    He always walks briskly, swinging his arms

    The U.S economy advanced briskly

    Today's weather is clear sky and brisk temperature



  • (형) said or given in a clear way

  • (형) of a particular kind

  • (형) traveling at high speed with few stops compare LOCAL

    Near of subway exit has signs which are expressly forbidden of smoke, however the smoker doesn't care about the post

    Smoking is expressly(=explicitly) forbidden

    In a letter published by a popular newspaper, a reader wrote expressly about the need for more funding to assist local charities


  • (동) to put (something) on a shelf

  • (동) to stop doing or thinking about (something) for a period of time

  • (동) to make (someone) unable to play or perform

    Sorenson Company's plan to develop regionally were temporarily shelved because of the lack of sufficient capital to estabilsh additional branches

    The research of laboratory was shelved because administrative work consumed man power of researchers

    I need to shelve my project to take care of my mom.


  • (명) the mood or feeling of a particular place

    As part of the plan to attract more patrons, an inviting ambience will be created by an interior decorator

    the relaxed ambience of the city

    Your house has a very snug ambience

    how do you feel when you come to my home and its ambience?


  • (명) a process of setting an argument or disagreement in which the people or groups on both sides present their opinions and ideas to a third person or group

    When I was in high school, I used to take part in arbitration between my two friends with different disposition

    During arbitration, senior management made concessions(make a concession : 양보하다) to the employees' demands, which union representatives(노조 대표) believed to be fair and progressive

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration

    We refer the argument to arbitration


  • (동) to cause (something) to happen faster compare EXPEDITIOUS

    We expedite delivery of all online orders, which are shipped directly from the warehouse closest to your location.

    We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers

    The builders promised to expedite the repairs

    I have to expedite to fit the working schedule for subcontractor


  • (명) control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing bad behavior

  • (명) a way of behaving that shows a willingness to obey rules or orders

  • (명) behavior that is judged by how well it follows a set of rules or orders

  • (동) to punish (someone) as a way of making sure that rules or orders are obeyed

  • (동) to train (yourself) to do something by controlling your behavior

    Whoever posted the draft of the annual report on the company Web site will be disciplined for publishing information without management's approval

    I need to discipline my English speaking skill to work abroad and communicate subcontractor for military command project


  • (명) an interesting or important part, quality, ability, etc.

  • (명) a part of the face (such as the eyes, nose, or mouth)

  • (명) usually plural

  • (동) to have or include (someone or something) as an important part

  • (동) to discuss or mention (something or someone) in a noticeable way, to give particular attention to (someone or something important)

  • (동) often used as (be) featured

    Ticket sales for a concert featuring(특별히 포함하다) some of the world's best performers were the highest on record for the Wilmington Performance Center

    The project group is featuring the head of brigade to enforce a negotiation power

go over

  • (숙어) to talk about or think about (something) carefully

  • (숙어) to look at or study (something) again in order to correct it, learn it, etc

    The purpose of tomorrow's meeting is to go over the revised contract and ensure that its stipulations(조항, 조건) are agreeable to the client.

    We have to go over special stipulations of contract for service.

phase out

  • (구동사) to stop using, making, or doing (something) gradually over a period of time

    The company will phase out the performance based system(성과급시스템)

    The marketing department plans to reduce advertising costs further for the older appliance model, as it will be phased out next year

    My fancy notebook phase out as I move to another company where software developing skill doesn't need anymore

file for bankruptcy

  • (숙어) to officially ask to be legally recognized as bankrupt

    The individual business owner doesn't want to file for personal bankruptcy, but it can minimize a risk and give an opportunity to challenge another business

    The board is concerned that the company may have to file for bankruptcy unless immediate measures are taken(take measures: 조취를 취하다) to forestall(미연에 방지하다) it

knock out

  • (구동사) to make (a person or animal) unconscious

  • (구동사) to defeat (an opponent) with a punch that knocks the opponent for a certain amount of time

  • (구동사) to defeat (an opponent) in a competition so that the opponent cannot continue

    A powerful storm knocked out(~을 쓸 수 없게 만들다, 망쳐놓다) the electricity in the building, and we will therefore be rescheduling our seminar

    My cute dog knock out because of bad smell of ferment fish


  • (동) to praise (someone or something) in a serious and often public way

  • (동) to mention (someone or something) as deserving attention or approval, recommend
    much/little to commend it : if you say that something has much to commend it, you approve of it. if you say that something has little to commend it, you disapprove of it

    My cute younger brother always be commended for clear communication skill to seniors

    The workers who did an extra shift(교대근무, 교대조) over the past several days were commended(칭찬하다, 추천하다) for completing a large order of tiles on time.


  • (동) to hire (someone) to perform a particular service ; to pay for (help, services, etc.)

  • (동) to get and keep (someone's attention, interest, etc.)

  • (동) to start fighting against (an opponent)

    You need to engage audience's attention to encourage their understanding for your talk and take your message their home.

    Energy-Com is a conglomerate(복합기업) of diverse companies that engages(고용하다) more than 100,000 employees in 20 countries around the world.


Mr. Kim has made it a habit to read the latest business news and company reports while aboard((배, 기차 등에) 탄, 탑승한) the train.


  • (동) to have or include (someone or something) as a part of something

  • (동) to cause (someone) to be included in some activity, situation, etc.; to cause (someone) to take part in something

    She highlighted the fact that computer-controlled vehicles are much less likely to be invovled in accidents

    I want you to be involved in my local reading group to argue some opinion

leave of absence

Management did not grant Ms. Jansen's request for a leave of absence because it was the store's busiest period.

cater to

  • to provide what is wanted or needed by (someone or something)

  • to provide something that satisfies what a particular type of person wants

  • to provide food and drinks at a party, meeting, etc., especially as a job

    They are catering to a cup of coffee to concentrate current seminar

    many farmers at farmers markets cater to those who buy in bulk

어려운 문법

all of which : 관계대명사 that은 수량표현 + of 뒤에 쓰일 수 없음!

  • The hotel owner recently expanded the hotel to include ten new suites, all of which have a fully equipped kitchen and two bedrooms

now that

  • Now that(~이므로) the novelty of the store has worn off(wear off : 차츰 사라지다, 없어지다), sales of its products have begun to diminish

more quitely

  • The latest air conditioners utilize new technology and run more quitely than the older models, making them ideal for offices and small rooms

    빈칸 뒤에 than이 왔으므로 함께 비교급 표현을 만드는 비교급(-er 또는 more + 형용사/부사)이 와야 한다.


  • Ellen's probationary status was extended by (another) month after it was discovered that she had no actual experience in accounting procedures

    빈칸 뒤에 명사(month)가 왔으므로 명사 앞에 쓰일 수 있는 형용사 other, another이 정답 후보. 빈칸 뒤에 가산 단수 명사(month)가 왔고, 또 1개월 연장 되었다라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 이미 언급한 것 이외의 또 다른 하나라는 의미로 쓰이는 부정형용사 another가 정답. 오답인 one another서로를 의미하는 관용 표현이므로 문맥에 맞지 않음

consider ~ing(동명사)

  • Diamond Motor Company is considering (hiring) 30 assembly workers in order to increase production by 50 percent durign the upcoming fiscal year

refer A to B

  • The receptionist (referred) visitors to the information desk attendant who had brochures about the available tours.

    A를 B에게 보내다 라는 의미의 표현 refer A to B

has yet to do

  • Although the information campaign is scheduled to begin tomorrow, an employee has (yet) to print the flyers(광고, 안내용 전단) to be handed out at distribution points

With 활용

  • With quilt-making a popular pastime in the area, a local museum decided to exhibit some of the city's best quilt designs

    pastime: 취미
    with: 이 문장에서는 ~함에 따라, ~와 더불어 라는 의미로 활용

or : 병치 구문

  • Renowned photographer Bill Miller's special-edition photographs of natural scenes may be purchased as a collection or seperately on our Web site.

most ~ 부정대명사

  • Beth Tolley was selected to supervise the Snapfire project, as she understands the details of the undertaking(일, 사업) better than most

사역동사 have + 목적어 + 목적격 보어(능동: 원형 부정사, 수동: 과거분사)

  • A report about the economic crisis has the Morgan Cooper Company concerned that its overseas branch may be facing problems in the near future.

in an otherwise : 다른 점에서

  • The sudden breakdown of the projetor was the only negative occurrence in an otherwise excellent seminar attended by educators
  • a few moments of light relief in an otherwise dull performance

on one's own

  • Most young working adults prefer to live on their own, but high rent prices often make having a roommate a financial necessity.
You matter, never give up

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