Exciting areas in NLP (2022)

박수현·2022년 7월 5일


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To be updated regularly

Stanford CS224n Winter 2021 final project tips

  • Evaluating and improving models for something other than accuracy
  • Doing empirical work looking at what large pre-trained models have learned
  • Working out how to get knowledge and good task performance from large models for particular tasks without much data (e.g., transfer learning)
  • Looking at the bias, trustworthiness, and explainability of large models
  • Working on how to augment the data for models to improve performance
  • Looking at low resource languages or problems
  • Improving performance on the tail of rare stuff, addressing bias
  • Scaling models up and down
  • Looking to achieve more advanced functionalities
    • compositionality, systematic generalization, fast learning (e.g., meta-learning) on smaller problems and amounts of data, and more quickly
      • Measure sample efficiency (BabyAI)

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