3184. 양

멍진이·2021년 7월 15일

백준 문제풀기

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문제 링크

3184. 양

문제 코드

from collections import deque

row, col = list(map(int, input().split()))

board = [[0 for c in range(col)] for r in range(row)]

wolf_list = []
lamb_list = []
death_wolf = 0
death_lamb = 0
for r in range(row):
    tmp_board = input()
    for c in range(col):
        board[r][c] = tmp_board[c]
        if tmp_board[c] == 'v':
            wolf_list.append([r, c])
        if tmp_board[c] == 'o':

visited = [[0 for c in range(col)] for r in range(row)]
for i in range(len(wolf_list)):

    x, y = wolf_list[i]

    if visited[x][y] == 1:
    que = deque()

    que.append([x, y])

    dx = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
    dy = [0, 0, -1, 1]

    one_area = []
    one_area.append([x, y])
    visited[x][y] = 1
    while len(que) > 0:
        x, y = que.popleft()

        for i in range(4):
            next_x = x + dx[i]
            next_y = y + dy[i]

            if 0 <= next_x < row and 0 <= next_y < col and visited[next_x][next_y] == 0 and board[next_x][
                next_y] != '#':
                que.append([next_x, next_y])
                one_area.append([next_x, next_y])
                visited[next_x][next_y] = 1

    lamb_count = 0
    wolf_count = 0

    for x, y in one_area:

        if board[x][y] == 'o':
            lamb_count += 1
        if board[x][y] == 'v':
            wolf_count += 1

    if lamb_count > wolf_count:
        death_wolf += wolf_count
        death_lamb += lamb_count

print(len(lamb_list) - death_lamb, len(wolf_list) - death_wolf)

문제 풀이

  • 영역을 나누면 되는 문제
  • 영역을 먼저 나누고, 해당 영역의 wolf와 lamb 숫자를 센다.
  • lamb가 많으면 wolf가 죽고 , 반대면 lamb가 죽음
  • 죽은만큼 처음 센 갯수에서 빼준다.
개발하는 멍멍이

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