We define an employee's total earnings to be their monthly worked, and the maximum total earnings to be the maximum total earnings for any employee in the Employee table.
1) Write a query to find the maximum total earnings for all employees
2) as well as the total number of employees who have maximum total earnings.
3) Then print these values as 2 space-separated integers.
Sample Output
69952 1
테이블 : employee_id, name, months, salary1) 가장 높은 소득 금액 찾기
2) 가장 높은 소득을 받고 있는 직원의 인원 수
3) 1,2 번 결과값 사이에 공백 2개를 넣고 출력
SELECT months * salary AS earnings
, name
FROM employee
WHERE months * salary = (SELECT MAX(months*salary) FROM employee)
108064 Anthony
108064 Nancy
108064 Patricia
108064 Angela
108064 Gregory
108064 Lillian
108064 Evelyn
를 활용해서 몇 명인지 카운트SELECT months * salary AS earnings
, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
WHERE months * salary = (SELECT MAX(months*salary) FROM employee)
GROUP BY earnings
108064 7
📌 SELECT절에 써준 alias
절 사용 불가GROUP BY
절 사용 가능GROUP BY
사용 SELECT months * salary AS earnings
, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY earnings
1860 1
2086 1
2113 1
2438 1
2492 1
2717 1
결과물을 다시 한 번 필터링 해주기 위해서 HAVING
절 사용SELECT months * salary AS earnings
, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
GROUP BY earnings
HAVING earnings = (SELECT MAX(months * salary) FROM employee)
SELECT months * salary AS earnings
, COUNT(*)
FROM employee
WHERE months * salary = (SELECT MAX(months*salary) FROM employee)
GROUP BY earnings