Goldmine CRM Cloud Hosting

AES Cloud Hosting·2021년 3월 24일

AES Cloud hosting

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Goldmine CRM offers affordable, simple, and proven customer relationship management solutions. From small, medium, startup to large businesses, many rely on Goldmine to efficiently manage their customers and sales revenue. But, is it time for you to switch to Goldmine CRM cloud hosting from on-premise hosting? AES Cloud Hosting is here to help you in deciding and making the switch.

What Benefits You Get Through Goldmine CRM Cloud Hosting

Goldmine CRM cloud hosting gives you the option for a website based interface, access through a smartphone, and superior features for power users. Apart from this, you still get the CRM that offers sales and marketing management, customer relations, customer service, contact management, etc.

A. Get Affordable Monthly Billing

When you subscribe to Goldmine CRM cloud hosting, you reduce the in-house hardware or software maintenance cost.
It is a great option for small businesses and startups who yet to see more in the coming days of how the business performs and unable to invest much as upfront cost.

B. High-Level Compatibility & Flexibility of CRM Data

All industries can utilize cloud-based Goldmine CRM.
A massive global vendor network that can set you up with Goldmine hosting on the cloud.
Get access through mobiles, tablet, Apple computers and iPhones.
Full-fledged multi-user support for concurrent use from many locations and devices.
You can keep your customer database concise and updated by removing duplicate entries.
High-speed search functionality on the cloud.

C. Security and Reliability of Your CRM Database

Goldmine CRM cloud hosting offers maximum security of customer, company, and vendor data.
You can get a subscription to more than one cloud hosting service. It will enable you to have a backup of your CRM database should you need it during critical technical faults.

Concluding Words

Leading IT companies are leaning towards full-fledged cloud computing as 2021 began. AES Cloud Hosting recommends that you migrate your Goldmine CRM operations to the cloud. Goldmine CRM cloud hosting allows you to reap the maximum benefit out of digital technology.

AES Cloud hosting is a third party solution provider. AES Cloud hosting is a US registered firm that provides Cloud hosting services across the world.

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