
MINJU·2022년 10월 19일

locals = 주민들
air connections = 항공편

As I said !

travel abroad = 해외여행을 가다
rip off = 바가지를 씌우다
scenery = 풍경
get along with = ~와 잘 지내다
pickpocket = 소매치기
architecture = 건축물
spontaneous = 즉흥적인

mind + aa = aa를 신경쓰다
Don't mind me
Do you mind if I open the window?
Don't mind me. I can eat anything.
I think it changes every time.
Do you mind if I sit hear?
I won't bother you
annoyed = irritate
a person who smokes or spits
sitting on that seat is not illegal

옛날에 코로나 걸렸었음
I suffered from COVID 19

at this year March (x) => in March this year

I had a sore throat

home quarantine

I live in a studio-type apartment

A cold is going around these days.

부도 bankrupt

"Once" a flue goes around, we are going to be busy.

they are saying a rumor

I've been to Switzerland already when I was younger~..

We were supposed to got o US but it was cancelled~

Living in Korea is neither good nor bad.

I have just moved to Seoul just this year for my school~..

As long as I am with my sister, I am happy enough to live in different places.

I would like to plan for that when I reach 40~

community service center = 동사무소
move house = 이사하다
convenietn = 편리한
natural disaster =자연재해
mansion = 저택
scenery =풍경
sightseeeing = 관광

It is a bigger motivation =

get to know = 알아가다
word order = 어순
loanwords = 외래어

sentence structure = 문장구조
onomatopoeia 의성어
tumultuous = 격동의
get to grips with = ~를 다루다
take center stage = 주목받다.

You don't deserve to know.
We deserve to be paid.

cultural heritage = 문화유산
divided country = 분단국가
religion 종교
courteous 예의바른
confucianism 유교사상
ancestral rite 제사
ancestor 조상

Maybe it's because I wa sborn here, but Korean food is so delicious.

Koreans also have to take a plane to get there, and i think that makes people more excited. It's a domestic trip, but I feel like I'm traveling abroad.


Men in their twenties go to the army

The people looks similar.

I haven't been to Japan.

The birth rate is shrinking

I think the environmental issue will be worse.

they are crossing the pedstrian lane.

I like to shop online.

Designer brands are getting more popular.

A samll talk with the clerk is a little bit tiring.

Women were more into shopping in the past.

wholesale market = 도매시장
grocery = 식료품
time-saving = 시간을 절약해주는
impulsive = 충동적인
excessive = 과도한
rip off = 바가지를 씌우다

sculpture 조각
architecture 건축물
impress 감명을 주다
express 표현하다
contemporary 현대의
subject 주제
comfort 위로하다
somber 침울한
poverty 빈곤

You're using you your iPad to kill time.

My birthday is on March 8.

When I drink this coffee in the morning, it makes me feel more awake and lively.

On the top of the world = 기분 매우 좋다 = on cloud nine = extremely happy

twice a week

I'm visited on summer vacation

I've been there three years ago

When I finish swimming, i have to step on the sand.

The sand makes my feet dirty

I don't have any exact plan.

It's scary = It's dreadful

I never seen in my life.

It was so fun = It was a blast = It was a real treat

I have never done that = I've never engaged in that = I've never dabbled in that

I'm so busy = I'm swamped = I have a lot on my plate = I have my hand's full

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