Top Python Frameworks

Ankit Dixit·2021년 9월 6일

Python is one of the most popular languages in today’s era. Guido Van Rossum is the person behind the creation of this language. It came into existence in 1991 as Python 0.9.0. It is a dynamically typed, interpreted, and object-oriented language that helps programmers to write code in an easy and clear logical way. Python contains various libraries and frameworks for every possible technical domain. Before coming to the types and usage of different frameworks let’s discuss what is a framework.

Why Use A Framework?

Frameworks are widely used by developers to reuse the code for similar types of HTTP operations and to define structure to an application with predefined functionalities. Frameworks make the life of a programmer easier as these frameworks design the project in such a manner that any other programmer who knows the framework can take over the application forward easily.

There are various frameworks of python like:

CherryPy and check more python frameworks with their key features on Interviewbit.

I am a Software Developer

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