📖 Convolution
- 2D convolution in action
📖 RGB Image Convolution
📖 Stack of Convolutions
📖 Convolutional Neural Networks
- CNN consists of convolution layer, pooling layer, and fully connected layer.
- Convolution and pooling layers: feature extraction
- Fully connected layer: decision making (e.g., classification)
📖 Convolution Arithmetic (of GoogLeNet)
📖 Stride
📖 Padding
📖 Stride? Padding?
📖 Convolution Arithmetic
Padding (1), Stride (1), 3 × 3 Kernel
What is the number of parameters of this model?
- The answer is 3×3×128×64=73,728
📖 Exercise
- What is the number of parameters of this model?
- 1) 11×11×3×48×2≈35k
- 2) 5×5×48×128×2≈307k
- 3) 3×3×128×2×192×2≈884k
- 4) 3×3×192×192×2≈663k
- 5) 3×3×192×128×2≈442k
- 6) 13×13×128×2×2048×2≈177M
- 7) 2048×2×2048×2≈16M
- 8) 2048×2×1000≈4M
📖 1x1 Convolution
- Why?
- Dimension reduction
- To reduce the number of parameters while increasing the depth
- e.g., bottleneck architecture
<이 게시물은 최성준 교수님의 'Convolutional Neural Networks' 강의 자료를 참고하여 작성되었습니다.>
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