
jeong_hyeon·2022년 6월 11일


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Authentication이 로그인 여부 인증이라면

Permission은 Authorization 즉 로그인한 사용자가 어디까지 서비스를 이용할수있는지에 대한 권한이다.

클래스 속성 또는 데코레이터를 통해 새 권한 클래스를 설정하면 settings.py 파일에 설정된 기본 목록을 무시하도록 뷰에 지시하는 것이다.

1. Setting permission

만약 ,permission을 세팅하지 않는다면 누구나 애플리케이션에 접근 할수있다.

default 상태


만약 애플리케이션에 대해 인증된 사용자만 접근하게하려면 settings.py 에 아래의 코드를 추가하면된다.


하지만 통상 웹서비스에서는 특정뷰 혹은 클래스에서 인증을 필요로 함으로 좀 더 작은 단위로 쪼개서 Permission을 설정해주어야한다.


인증의 종류

Django에서 지원하는 인증의 종류는 총 4가지가 있다.

  • Session Authentication

    • 세션을 통한 인증여부 체크
    • APIView를 통해 디폴트 지정 (우선순위 1순위)
  • BasicAuthentication

    • Basic 인증헤더를 통한 인증 수행
    • ex) Authorization : Basic YWxsaWV1czE6MTAyOXNoYWtl
    • APIView를 통해 디폴트 지정 (우선순위 2)
  • Token Authentication

    • Token 헤더를 통한 인증수행
    • ex) Authorization : Token 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a
  • RemoteUserAuthentication

    • User 정보가 다른 서비스 에서 관리 될때 Remote인증
    • Remote-User 헤더를 통한 인증수행


Django 에서의 권한

django 는 기본적인 권한을 제공해주고있다.

  • is_superuser

    • createsuper로 생성한 user에 대해 True
    • True일 경우 별도 permission없이 모든 권한 적용
  • is_staff

    • True일 경우 admin페이지 접속가능
    • 나머지는 일반유저와 동일
  • is_activae

    • False일경우 모든 권한 불허
    • 로그인도 불가능

DRF에서 기본 제공하는 Permission

  • AllowAny : 인증여부에 상관없이 뷰호출 허용(default)
  • IsAuthenticated : 인증 요청에 한해서 뷰 호출 허용
  • IsAdminUser : Staff인증 요청에 한해서 뷰 호출 허용
  • IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly : 비인증 요청에게는 읽기 권한만 허용
  • DjangoModelPermission : 인증된 요청에 한해서만 뷰 호출 허용, 추가로 인증 권한 체크를 수행
  • DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly :DjangoModelPermission 과 유사 하나 비인증 요청에 대해서는 읽기 권한만 허용
  • DjangoObjectPermissions : 비인증된 요청 거부, 인증된 레코드 접근에 대한 권한체크를 수행

Custom Permission

DRF에서 제공 해주긴 하지만 커스텀을 통해 자체 제작도 가능하다.

모든 Permission 클래는 2가지 함수를 선택적으로 구현한다.

  • has_permission(request, view)
    • 뷰 호출 접근 권한
    • APIView 접근시 체크
  • has_object_permission(request,view,obj)
    • 개별 레코드 접근 권한

    • APIView 의 get_object함수를 통해 object획득시 체크

    • 브라우저를 통한 API접근시에 CREATE/UPDATE Form 노출여부 확인시

      Provides a set of pluggable permission policies.
      from django.http import Http404
      from rest_framework import exceptions
      # 안전한 method를 따로 정의 아래의 method는 수정 삭제 삽입을 하지 않아서 안전하다.
      class OperationHolderMixin:
          def __and__(self, other):
              return OperandHolder(AND, self, other)
          def __or__(self, other):
              return OperandHolder(OR, self, other)
          def __rand__(self, other):
              return OperandHolder(AND, other, self)
          def __ror__(self, other):
              return OperandHolder(OR, other, self)
          def __invert__(self):
              return SingleOperandHolder(NOT, self)
      class SingleOperandHolder(OperationHolderMixin):
          def __init__(self, operator_class, op1_class):
              self.operator_class = operator_class
              self.op1_class = op1_class
          def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
              op1 = self.op1_class(*args, **kwargs)
              return self.operator_class(op1)
      class OperandHolder(OperationHolderMixin):
          def __init__(self, operator_class, op1_class, op2_class):
              self.operator_class = operator_class
              self.op1_class = op1_class
              self.op2_class = op2_class
          def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
              op1 = self.op1_class(*args, **kwargs)
              op2 = self.op2_class(*args, **kwargs)
              return self.operator_class(op1, op2)
      class AND:
          def __init__(self, op1, op2):
              self.op1 = op1
              self.op2 = op2
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return (
                  self.op1.has_permission(request, view) and
                  self.op2.has_permission(request, view)
          def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
              return (
                  self.op1.has_object_permission(request, view, obj) and
                  self.op2.has_object_permission(request, view, obj)
      class OR:
          def __init__(self, op1, op2):
              self.op1 = op1
              self.op2 = op2
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return (
                  self.op1.has_permission(request, view) or
                  self.op2.has_permission(request, view)
          def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
              return (
                  self.op1.has_object_permission(request, view, obj) or
                  self.op2.has_object_permission(request, view, obj)
      class NOT:
          def __init__(self, op1):
              self.op1 = op1
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return not self.op1.has_permission(request, view)
          def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
              return not self.op1.has_object_permission(request, view, obj)
      class BasePermissionMetaclass(OperationHolderMixin, type):
      class BasePermission(metaclass=BasePermissionMetaclass):
          A base class from which all permission classes should inherit.
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise.
              return True
          def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
              Return `True` if permission is granted, `False` otherwise.
              return True
      # 모든요청에 대해서 허가
      class AllowAny(BasePermission):
          Allow any access.
          This isn't strictly required, since you could use an empty
          permission_classes list, but it's useful because it makes the intention
          more explicit.
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return True
      #유저가 존재하고 로그인 되어 있을 경우에 허가합니다.
      class IsAuthenticated(BasePermission):
          Allows access only to authenticated users.
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return bool(request.user and request.user.is_authenticated)
      #**유저가 존재하고 스태프일 경우에 허가합니다.**
      class IsAdminUser(BasePermission):
          Allows access only to admin users.
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return bool(request.user and request.user.is_staff)
      #안전한 request method 이거나 유저가 존재하고 로그인 되어 있을 경우에 허가합니다.
      class IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly(BasePermission):
          The request is authenticated as a user, or is a read-only request.
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              return bool(
                  request.method in SAFE_METHODS or
                  request.user and
      class DjangoModelPermissions(BasePermission):
          The request is authenticated using `django.contrib.auth` permissions.
          See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/auth/#permissions
          It ensures that the user is authenticated, and has the appropriate
          `add`/`change`/`delete` permissions on the model.
          This permission can only be applied against view classes that
          provide a `.queryset` attribute.
          # Map methods into required permission codes.
          # Override this if you need to also provide 'view' permissions,
          # or if you want to provide custom permission codes.
          perms_map = {
              'GET': [],
              'OPTIONS': [],
              'HEAD': [],
              'POST': ['%(app_label)s.add_%(model_name)s'],
              'PUT': ['%(app_label)s.change_%(model_name)s'],
              'PATCH': ['%(app_label)s.change_%(model_name)s'],
              'DELETE': ['%(app_label)s.delete_%(model_name)s'],
          authenticated_users_only = True
          def get_required_permissions(self, method, model_cls):
              Given a model and an HTTP method, return the list of permission
              codes that the user is required to have.
              kwargs = {
                  'app_label': model_cls._meta.app_label,
                  'model_name': model_cls._meta.model_name
              if method not in self.perms_map:
                  raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(method)
              return [perm % kwargs for perm in self.perms_map[method]]
          def _queryset(self, view):
              assert hasattr(view, 'get_queryset') \
                  or getattr(view, 'queryset', None) is not None, (
                  'Cannot apply {} on a view that does not set '
                  '`.queryset` or have a `.get_queryset()` method.'
              if hasattr(view, 'get_queryset'):
                  queryset = view.get_queryset()
                  assert queryset is not None, (
                      '{}.get_queryset() returned None'.format(view.__class__.__name__)
                  return queryset
              return view.queryset
          def has_permission(self, request, view):
              # Workaround to ensure DjangoModelPermissions are not applied
              # to the root view when using DefaultRouter.
              if getattr(view, '_ignore_model_permissions', False):
                  return True
              if not request.user or (
                 not request.user.is_authenticated and self.authenticated_users_only):
                  return False
              queryset = self._queryset(view)
              perms = self.get_required_permissions(request.method, queryset.model)
              return request.user.has_perms(perms)
      class DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly(DjangoModelPermissions):
          Similar to DjangoModelPermissions, except that anonymous users are
          allowed read-only access.
          authenticated_users_only = False
      class DjangoObjectPermissions(DjangoModelPermissions):
          The request is authenticated using Django's object-level permissions.
          It requires an object-permissions-enabled backend, such as Django Guardian.
          It ensures that the user is authenticated, and has the appropriate
          `add`/`change`/`delete` permissions on the object using .has_perms.
          This permission can only be applied against view classes that
          provide a `.queryset` attribute.
          perms_map = {
              'GET': [],
              'OPTIONS': [],
              'HEAD': [],
              'POST': ['%(app_label)s.add_%(model_name)s'],
              'PUT': ['%(app_label)s.change_%(model_name)s'],
              'PATCH': ['%(app_label)s.change_%(model_name)s'],
              'DELETE': ['%(app_label)s.delete_%(model_name)s'],
          def get_required_object_permissions(self, method, model_cls):
              kwargs = {
                  'app_label': model_cls._meta.app_label,
                  'model_name': model_cls._meta.model_name
              if method not in self.perms_map:
                  raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(method)
              return [perm % kwargs for perm in self.perms_map[method]]
          def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
              # authentication checks have already executed via has_permission
              queryset = self._queryset(view)
              model_cls = queryset.model
              user = request.user
              perms = self.get_required_object_permissions(request.method, model_cls)
              if not user.has_perms(perms, obj):
                  # If the user does not have permissions we need to determine if
                  # they have read permissions to see 403, or not, and simply see
                  # a 404 response.
                  if request.method in SAFE_METHODS:
                      # Read permissions already checked and failed, no need
                      # to make another lookup.
                      raise Http404
                  read_perms = self.get_required_object_permissions('GET', model_cls)
                  if not user.has_perms(read_perms, obj):
                      raise Http404
                  # Has read permissions.
                  return False
              return True



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