128. Data Structures: Objects

변지영·2021년 12월 9일
var user ={
	name: "John",
	age: 34,
	hobby: "Soccer",
	isMarried: false,

var list = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];

How to add properties to an object.

How to change properties to an object.

  • Array : shopping list or to do list.
  • Object : user information.

In game, you're controlling wizards.

  • Object:
    Wizard's tall, power, experience point.
  • array:
    Wizard's all the spells(마법주문).
    [abrakadabra, shazam, boo]
var user ={
	name: "John",
	age: 34,
	hobby: "Soccer",
	isMarried: false,
	spells: ["abrakadabra", "shazam", "boo"]
var list = [
		username: "andy";
		password: "secre";
		username: "jess";
		password: "123";

'console' is object too.

what about console.error?

So that's what methods are. They're functions inside an object.

I have one last cool thing to show you.

^I can make a empty object.

^I can make a empty array.



I can set property name of an empty object.
I can't set property name of null.

With this newfound power I'm going to show you how we can build a simple Facebook with what we just learned.

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