199. Contributing To open source

변지영·2022년 5월 4일
  • opensource projects: Anybody can see, inspect, modify and enhance.


click "fork"

we can clone the repository(https://github.com/HaileyByun/start-here-guidelines.git),

$ cd start-here-guidelines/
$ subl&

^ now I have a new branch called "test"

we want to create a new branch to work off of instead of master by saying

git checkout -b test
//-b means branch
//and name the branch as 'test' in here.

And then you'll see that now I'm on a new branch called test
and in this branch I can add my name to the contributor list.

and add your name to the sublime text. and save.

go back to the terminal

$ git status

^we modified our contributors.md file.

$ git diff

^we see we this added new line.

$ git add .// add everythng.
$ git commit -m"added my name to contributor list"
$ git push origin test// push origin(start-here-guideline) to test branch.

^you can see the test branch in your github.

^click the first "New pull request"

  • you can type "I've added my name to the list. @HaileyByun"
  • click "create pull request"

^I now have my pull request.

^and notice here how my pull request is now on zero-to-mastery/start-here-guidelines.

^ I'm part of pull request now.

^go to the contributors.md

you can see your name.

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