207. A Developer's Morning Routine

변지영·2022년 5월 6일

Here is my morning routine in order to stay up to date with the industry and make sure that I am on top of the game. I highly recommend doing something like this throughout your career as well

Ps, I recently started a monthly newsletter to summarize everything for you in order to stay up to date with what is happening in our industry every month, and to make sure you never miss a new resource! Check it out here!

  1. Read the top articles (over 100 upvotes) that interest you on Hacker News

  2. Listen to a daily podcast on Software Engineering Daily

  3. Check out cool products for inspiration and developer tools with over 200 upvotes on Product Hunt from the previous day.

  4. Sign up for the Web Developer Monthly newsletter and Javascript weekly newsletter.

Remember, you shouldn't feel like you MUST DO all of these. Instead, pick and chose, and take breaks. Have fun learning and stay up to date with the industry. This is your career and lifelong learning should be fun! I use the resources above on the daily to make sure I stay current and I don't miss anything important in the industry.

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