The transaction in a bitcoin network happens in this particular way. So, after Alice joins the bitcoin network after that joining by opening her applet

Alice can initiate a transaction with Bob. So, this is a sample transaction that Alice Initiates. So, this a sample transaction that Alice initiates. Once Alice constructed this transaction with Bob with certain bitcoin say 10 bitcoin.

Alice includes the inputs scripts and outputs scripts with this transaction to validate the authority of this particular transaction. And once these transaction messages get constructed then Alice broadcasts this transaction information in the bitcoin network.
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blockchain technology(hyper ledger,corda, ethereum)

2개의 댓글

2021년 7월 26일

Well, that's some interesting and simple information that's going to be pretty helpful for beginners. I'm not a beginner myself because it's been almost a year since I've done my first investment on , but I'm still looking for some tips on the internet about trading cryptocurrency.

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2021년 8월 30일

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