Inside a CPU

Purple·2021년 8월 24일

CPU (Central Processing Unit): controls entire system and performs centrl operations

- Data path : performs arithmetic operations

- Control unit: controls flow of data and ALU (Arithmatic and Logic Unit)

- Peripherals:

- Input Modules: takes input and writes to memory

- Output Modules : reads data from memory and delivers off-ship or system

➡️ Hardware organization defines instruction set and affects both the program size and the performance

Examples of Architecutre

1) Acculator Architecture : #Pass-through #Super_simple

3) Memory-memory Architecture : #Very_straightforward #Not_built_for_speed

4) Load-store Architecture : #Load_and_store #Similar_to_current_machines #Flexiable

5) Compound Architecture : #Load_and_store #Hybrid #Optimized

다시 보면, 더 많은 것들이 보인다.

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