Sports Betting Odds & How They Work

Bryle Sumera·2023년 2월 24일

Sports betting odds represent the probability of a certain outcome in a sports event. These odds are typically displayed in one of three formats: American odds, decimal odds, and fractional odds.

American odds are expressed as a positive or negative number. A negative number indicates the favorite and shows how much you would need to bet to win $100. For example, if the odds are -150, you would need to bet $150 to win $100. A positive number indicates the underdog and shows how much you would win if you bet $100. For example, if the odds are +200, you would win $200 if you bet $100.

Decimal odds represent the total payout, including the original stake. For example, odds of 2.50 mean that if you bet $100, you would win $250 (your original stake of $100 plus $150 in winnings).

Fractional odds are expressed as a fraction. The numerator represents the potential profit and the denominator represents the stake. For example, odds of 3/1 mean that for every $1 you bet, you would win $3 in profit.

Sportsbooks determine the odds based on a variety of factors, including the teams or players involved, their performance history, and any other relevant information. As the event approaches and more information becomes available, the odds may change to reflect the changing probabilities of various outcomes.

It's important to understand how betting odds work so that you can make informed decisions when placing bets. It's also important to remember that betting odds are not a guarantee of a certain outcome, but rather a reflection of the probability of that outcome occurring.

How To Read Betting Odds
Reading betting odds can seem confusing at first, but once you understand the basics, it becomes straightforward. Here's a guide on how to read betting odds:

Choose the format: Betting odds can be displayed in American odds, decimal odds, or fractional odds. Pick the format that you are most comfortable with.

Identify the favorite and underdog: Betting odds will always have a favorite and an underdog. The favorite has the lowest odds, and the underdog has the highest odds.

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Understand the sign: In American odds, the favorite is denoted with a negative sign (-) and the underdog with a positive sign (+). In decimal odds and fractional odds, there are no signs.

Understand the numbers: The odds indicate the potential payout for a bet. In American odds, a negative number indicates how much you need to bet to win $100, while a positive number indicates how much you can win if you bet $100. In decimal odds, the number indicates the total payout, including the original stake. In fractional odds, the numerator indicates the potential profit, while the denominator indicates the stake.

For example, let's say there is a soccer match between Team A and Team B. The betting odds are:

American odds: Team A -120, Team B +150
Decimal odds: Team A 1.83, Team B 2.50
Fractional odds: Team A 5/6, Team B 3/2
In this case, Team A is the favorite and has the lowest odds. A bettor would need to bet $120 to win $100 if they bet on Team A. Team B is the underdog and has the highest odds. A bettor would win $150 if they bet $100 on Team B. In decimal odds, a bettor would win $183 if they bet $100 on Team A and $250 if they bet $100 on Team B. In fractional odds, a bettor would win $5 for every $6 bet on Team A and $3 for every $2 bet on Team B.

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