Data type
Code comments :
Single line comment : // sentence.
Multi line comment : /* sentences. */
console.log(“2011”) >텍스트로 인식
console.log(2011) >숫자로 인식
Does that syntax look a little familiar?
When we use console.log() we’re calling the .log() method on the console object. Object have methods.
Variable : var
값을 할당하지 않고(= undefined), 변수를 선언할 수 있음.
let changeMe = true;
changeMe = false;
let levelUp = 10;
let powerLevel = 9001;
let multiplyMe = 32;
let quarterMe = 1152;
// Use the mathematical assignments in the space below:
levelUp += 5;
powerLevel -= 100;
multiplyMe *= 11;
quarterMe /= 4;
값을 재 할당하려고 하면 에러. ‘일정(constant)’하기 때문임
그리고 값을 할당해야 함.
let w = 4;
w = w + 1;
console.log(w); // Output: 5
[Mathematical Assignment Operators]
[Increment and Decrement Operator]
[template literal]
const myPet = 'armadillo';
console.log(`I own a pet ${myPet}.`);
// Output: I own a pet armadillo.
var myName = 'minjoo';
var myCity = 'Sanfrancisco';
console.log(`My name is ${myName}. My favorite city is ${myCity}.`)
[typeof operator]
const unknown1 = 'foo';
console.log(typeof unknown1); // Output: string
const unknown2 = 10;
console.log(typeof unknown2); // Output: number
const unknown3 = true;
console.log(typeof unknown3); // Output: boolean