Django | Codecademy | Accounts and Authentication

celeste·2022년 4월 17일

Codecademy Django

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Admin Account

In order to access the Admin interface, we must create a superuser

  • superuser has the permissions to freely control data
  • python3 createsuperuser
  • shell will prompt us to type in a username, email, and password
  • once completed, we can navigate to the /admin route and log in with the credentials we just used to create our superuser
  • If we get redirected to the index page, that means our login was successful

Registering Tables in Admin

In order to interact with a database table through the admin interface, we first need to register the model.
1. Registering and configuring a model is done by adding the models into the app’s file

# myapp_root/book_catalog/
from .models import Book
  1. then use the register() method to register our models
  1. we will be directed to a table that shows us all the information and records held in this database table

User Objects

  1. Import User Object from Django's system
    from django.contrib.auth.models import User
  2. Use method to create users
user = User.objects.create_user(username="myusername", email="", password="mypassword")
  • automatically creates and saves the user to the database
  • hashes the password - not a plain string anymore, so security ↑
  • can call the .save() method in order to save the user object back to the database if we make any further changes.
user = User.objects.create_user(username="myusername", email="", password="mypassword")

** shell에서 빠져나오려면 Ctrl+D or exit()

Authenticating Users

View Function 안에다가 user authenticate 하는 로직을 넣고, authenticate() function을 실행한다.

  • user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password)
    • 이 함수는 credentials(username, password)를 파라미터로 받는다.
  • credential이 server data랑 맞으면, User object가 리턴된다.
    • django.shortcuts에서 온 redirect()이 allows us to redirect a user to a specific view by passing in the name of a view.
  • 맞지않으면 PermissionDenied exception이 발생하고, None리턴된다.
  • request.POST 형식을 통해서 들인 데이터를 분석한다
  • if/else를 사용해서 예외처리
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
def login_view(request):
  # Both username and password are captured from the submitted log in form
  username = request.POST["username"]
  password = request.POST["password"]
  # Both username and password are passed into the authenticate() method to verify the user
  user = authenticate(request, username=username, password=password)
  # If the user is valid, then a user object is returned.
  if user is not None:
    # Log in user and redirect them
    return redirect("home.html")
    return HttpResponse("Invalid credentials!")

Log In

user object가 만들어졌으면, 그 credential을 사용해서 사이트에 로그인을 할 수 있다.

Django에서 제공하는 login()함수를 사용하면 된다!

From django.contrib.auth import login
def login_view(request):
  # ... Other code
  login(request, user)
  • django.contrib.auth 에서 import
  • login()함수는 request, user 두가지 받아드린다
  • 로그인이 성공하면, session이 만들어진다.

유저가 login 하고 logout할때 까지의 시간.

  • session에서는 특별한 cookie를 사용한다. 그 쿠키에는 session id가 지정되어 있는데, 브라우저를 정보를 확인하고, 사이트를 돌아다닐때마다 로그인하지 않아도 되도록 로그인정보를 유지시켜준다.
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.shortcuts import redirect
def login_view(request):
  username = request.POST["username"]
  password = request.POST["password"]
  user =  authenticate(request, username=username, password=password)
  # Check if a user is verified and authenticated
  if user is not None:
    # Use the returned user object in login()
    login(request, user)
    # Redirect to home page after logging in
    return redirect("home.html")
    render(request, "registration/login.html", context)

이제 우리의 ifstatement 안에,
(request + 우리가 만든 user object를 넣은)
login()을 통해서 session을 만들 수 있다.

# Other login_view code...
  if user is not None:
    login(request, user)
    return redirect("dashboard.html")
    render(request, "registration/login.html", context)

Login Mixin and Decorator

Login Mixin

  • mixins = a type of class that is used to “mix in” extra properties and methods into another class.

import LoginRequiredMixin from django mixins

from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin

Mixins can be passed as argument
We want to add login mixin before view (left: mixin, right: view)

class SomeView(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView):
  model = ModelExample


from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
def profile(request):
  return render(request, "app/profile.html", name="profile")

Decorator을 사용함으로써, 로그인하지 않은 유저에게는 deny access 할 수 있다.

  • With just one line, Django is able to take care of all the logic required to deny/allow access to specific pages!

Both the login mixin and decorator do roughly the same thing. The main difference lies in the syntax and implementation — mixins are used for classes, while decorators are used for functions.


  1. logout() function takes in a requestand returns None:

from django.contrib.auth import logout
def logout_view(request):
  # ... Other logic
  return redirect("home")
  • By calling the logout() function we completely delete the session data that was associated with the logged in user.
  • It is important to note that calling thelogout() function doesn’t throw any errors if the user is not logged in. Once the logout function is called, we can then redirect the user to a different view page by using redirect().
  1. access the logout view within our home page :
    add a new path to logout our users in our app’s
urlpatterns = [
  path("/logout", logout, name="logout")

이 루트로 가면 세션 끝나고 로그아웃 된다.

Login Template

<!-- registration/login.html -->
{% block title %}Login{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
    <form method="post">
      {% csrf_token %}
        {{ form.as_p }}
          <td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>
{% endblock %}

Signup Template and View

UserCreationForm & CreateView class-based view 사용

from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
class SignUp(CreateView):
  form_class = UserCreationForm
  success_url = reverse_lazy("login")
  template_name = "registration/signup.html"

Our SignUp class is using a CreateView class, in which we can specify what information to include.

  • The first thing we’ll set is the form_class as a UserCreationForm which will generate the necessary fields for us (username and password).
    • The UserCreationForm was imported from django.contrib.auth.forms
  • Afterward, we use the success_url attribute to assign a URL to redirect the signed up user
    • We use the reverse_lazy() method to generate a full URL from a name.
    • We set the successful redirect to go to "login" path since we still want a user to login.
  • Lastly, we’ll assign "registration/signup.html" to template_name so we can render that specific template.

urls.py에 만든 추가해주기

path("signup/", views.SignUp.as_view(), name="signup"),

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