Start_Study·2022년 10월 19일

Computer Networking

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HTTP/2 goals

  • reduce perceived latency by enabling request and response multiplexing over a single TCP conn.
  • provide request prioritization and server push
  • provide efficient compression of HTTP header fields.
  • get rid of(or reduce) parallel TCP connections for transporting a single Web page.
    • this reduces the number of sockets that need to be open and maintained at servers
    • allows TCP congestion control to operate as intended.

HTTP method, status codes, URLs, header fields: no change

INSTEAD, HTTP/2는 client와 server사이에서 데이터의 형식과 전송되는 방식이 바뀐다.

As HTTP/1.1 uses persistent TCP connections, all the objects in a Web page are sent in a single TCP connection. And this has a Head of Line(HOL) blocking problem.

HOL Blocking
example: large video clip blocks the small objects behind it.
http/1.1 browsers handle this problem by opening multiple parallel TCP connections.


solution for HOL blocking:

  • break each msg into small frames & interleave the request and response message on the same TCP connection
  • FRAME INTERLEAVING: after sending one frame from the video clip, the first frames of each of the small objects are sent → user-perceived delay are significantly decreased.
  • framing is done by the framing sub-layer of the HTTP/2 protocol.

Message Prioritization

  • allows developers to customize the relative priority of requests to better optimize application performance
  • by assigning weight between 1-256 to each message, 256: highest priority

Another feature

  • server sends multiple responses for a single client request
    • server can push additional objects to the client before the client requests
    • server push: eliminates extra latency


: new transport protocal that is implemented in the application layer over UDP protocol.

  • message multiplexing(interleaving)
  • per-stream flow control
  • low-latency connection establishment
  • 따끈따끈한 신상

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