Ordered Pairs
an ordering of objects such that order of the objects matter
Ordered n-Tuple
(x1,x2,x3,⋯,xn)=(y1,y2,y3,⋯,yn) if x1=y1
(a,b) : ordered 2-Tuple
(a,b,c) : ordered 3-Tuple
Cartesian Product
Given sets A and B, the Cartesian Product of A and B, denoted A×B and read "A cross B", is the set of all ordered pairs (a,b), where b is in A and b is in B
A×B={(a,b) ∣ a∈A and b∈B}
e.g.A=(a,b),B=(1,2), then A×B={(a,1),(b,1),(a,2),(b,2)}
make sure that A×B=B×A
because it has orders
A×B×C={(a,b,c) ∣ a∈A, b∈B and c∈C}
e.g.A=(a,b),B=(1,2), C=(x,y)
make sure that A×B×C=(A×B)×C
nested tuples are made
Cartesian Plane

Cartesian Plane (=Coordinate Plane) (named after Rene Decartes)
R×R → 2D Cartesian Plane
R×R×R → 3D Cartesian Plane