It doesn't matter to me.
The couple don't get along well with each other, do they?
I don't eat seafood because it smells fishy.
I drove there with the help of my phone GPS.
I didn't know that she is so popular like that.
I washed the clothes several times but the stain didn't come out.
We didn't order this. Take it back, please.
I'm a newcomer in this company.
It is a real time-saver.
We are strangers here.
He takes care of my dog while I'm away.
The museum is on the outskirt of London.

상태의 변화 'get'

You need to get your hands warm.
He gets out of control when he gets drunk.
Don't get me wrong. 오해하지 마.
I'm going to get it right.
I got up early to get the kids ready for school.
You must to get your work done by today.
I'm hungry. Let's get pizza delivered.

I don't feel like eating anything.
You look familiar. Have we met before?
It looks like we're out of gas.
I feel like I'm walking on thin ice.
My office is a twenty-minute drive from home.
It is a ten-minute walk from the subway station.
I will walk you to the bus stop.
I drove him to the airport.
I'll visit you first thing tomorrow morning.
She took five days off to travel to Spain.

People said the food tasted good but it didn't suit my taste.
The shirts fits you well.
How does it fit? Isn't it too tight?
Black doesn't suit you.
I think the bright colors suit you best.
What day suits you best? Thursday or Friday?
You two are a match made in heaven.
You are not my match. 내 적수가 아냐 넌
You will pay for it someday! 언젠가 대가를 치를거야
How much did you spend on this?

I talk in my sleep sometimes.
He often talks about others behind their backs.
She's punctual and always on time.
It is April now but it is a little chilly in the morning.

  • chilly [adj] : chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable

He's out for a moment. 외출중야.
He's dozed off during the meeting.
Put your phone on vibration mode at the theater.
Turn left at the intersection.
He's at work. 근무중야.
I think I can make it by then.
I want everything ready by tomorrow.
I was sick in bed all day long yesterday.
Today was a very busy day as usual.
He is not in at the moment. 잠깐 자리 비웠어여.
There are various cultural facilities around here.
There was a restaurant here but it was gone.
There were so many ups and downs in his life.
It's almost the end of the year.
It is so humid and sticky. 장마 싫어여..
What day is it today? Is it Friday yet?
It was a really long day. 넘 힘들었다..
My friend gave me a ride here.
I can give you a ride there.
He offered me the job.
My mom sent me apples by parcel delivery.
We don't have much time left.
I don't have much cash with me now.
He's got a lot of pull.

  • pull [cn] : the ability to attract someone or have a powerful effect on them
    She's got a lot of guts.
  • guts : the courage and determination you need to do something difficult or unpleasant

You don't ack like yourself these days. 너답지않게 왜이래?
He takes good care of himself. 자기관리 잘하던데.
I was full of myself back then. 철이 없었져..

My weak point is that I can't treat others harshly.

harshly[adj] : harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable

I don't like summer because I can't stand the heat.
I was often breathless, so I had to quit smoking.
Before I choose my major, I had to consider my aptitude.

You must be out of your mind.
You must be kidding! It cannot be true.

My goal for this year is to get first place in my class.
It's not easy to pass the state exam.
It's almost impossible to get this stain out.

I often get away from the city to get rid of stress.
He will do anything to succeed in his life.
I'm honored to be here.
I'm sad to hear that.

He has no time to talk with you.
He has every reason to complain about it.

I was scolded by the teacher.

scold [v] : to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done

You're always forgetting things. 나한테 하는 말인가..?🙄

Summver vacation is coming to an end.

I don't like to et canned food.
I bought a used car at a low price.
I had a hard time paying off the loan.
I spend the weekend sitting around at home.
I'm sorry for making a noise.
I didn't know how to deal with stress.
I don't know whom to trust.
Do you know what to do in case of fire?
He doesn't mind working late or working on holidays.
I regret saying such a thing to her.
He forgot borrowing some money for me.
I'm tired from not getting enough sleep at night.
He's good at mimicking other people's voices.
I'm accustomed to eating spicy food.
I'm bitten by mosquitos a lot in summer.
I've never seen you act like this before.
She has never met him in person.

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