🖥️ Classical Problems of Synchronization
The bounded-buffer problem
- If the buffer is full, the producer must wait until the consumer deletes an item.
- Producer needs an empty space
- # of empty slot is represented by a semaphore empty
- If the buffer is empty, the consumer must wait until the producer adds an item.
- Consumer needs an item
- # of item is represented by a semaphore full
- Producer-consumer problem with bounded buffer
- Semaphores: full = 0, empty = n, mutex = 1;
The readers-writers problem
- There are multiple readers and writers to access a shared data
- Readers can access database simultaneously.
- When a writer is accessing the shared data, no other thread can access it
- Behavior of a writer
- If a thread is in the critical section, all writers must wait
- The writer can enter the critical section only when no thread is in its critical section
- It should prevent all threads from entering the critical section
- Behavior of a reader
- If no writer is in its critical section, the reader can enter the critical section.
- Otherwise, the reader should wait until the writer leaves the critical section.
- When a reader is in its critical section, any reader can enter the critical section, but no writer can
- Condition for the first reader is different from the following readers → exist writer in critical section?
- Shared data
- semaphore mutex=1, wrt=1;
- int readcount = 0;
- # of readers in critical section
- Writer
writing is performed
- Reader
wait(mutex); → mutual exclusion
if (readcount == 1) wait(wrt); → first reader
signal(mutex); → mutual exclusion
reading is performed
wait(mutex); → mutual exclusion
if (readcount == 0) signal(wrt); → last reader
signal(mutex); → mutual exclusion
The dining-philosophers problem
- Problem definition
- 5 philosophers sitting on a circular table
- Thinking or eating(critical section)
- 5 bowls, 5 single chopsticks
- No interaction with colleagues
- To eat, the philosopher should pick up two chopsticks closest to her
- A philosopher can pick up only one chopstick at a time
- When she finish eating, she release chopsticks
- A possible solution, but deadlock can occur
- Necessary conditions for deadlock → 4개다 성립해야 deadlock
- Mutual exclusion
- Hold and wait →
- No preemption → hold할때 누군가에 의해서 release 해야하는것
- Circular wait → 가장 쉬운 해결책, 짝수는 left, 홀수는 right
Dining Philosophers Solution Using Monitor
- Data structures (Field)
- enum { thinking, hungry(want to eat), eating } state[5];
- condition self[5]; → wait, signal
- Process of i-th philosopher implemented by a monitor dp (Method)
dp.pickup(i); // entry section
Eat // critical section
dp.putdown(i); // exit section
→ Deadlock-free(withour hold and wait), but not starvation-free
🖥️ POSIX Synchronization
Mutex locks
→ midterm 1번 확인!
- Creation and initialization
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex; // global declaration
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL); // call before first lock
↔️ pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
→ Global variable 때 편함
- Critical section
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); // wait
/* critical section */
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); // signal
Named semaphores
- Multiple unrelated processes(다른 PC끼리 name으로 connect) can easily use a common semaphore
- Creation and initialization
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t *sem; // global declaration
sem = sem_open("SEM", O_CREAT, 0666, 1);
↔️ sem_close(); / sem_unlink() : remove
- Critical-section
sem_wait(sem); // acquire the semaphore
/* critical section */
sem_post(sem); // release the semaphore
Unnamed semaphores
→ fork() 이전에 생성시 공유
- Creation and initialization
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem; → no pointer // global declaration
sem_init(&sem, 0, 1);
↔️ sem_destroy(&sem);
- Critical-section>
sem_wait(&sem); // acquire the semaphore
/* critical section */
sem_post(&sem); // release the semaphore
Condition variables
- Combined with mutex locks instead of monitors
- Initialization
pthread_mutex_t mutex; → procedure 간 mutual exclusion 보장하기 위해
pthread_cond_t cond_var;
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&cond_var, NULL);
- Critical-section
🖥️ Synchronization within the Kernel
Synchronization in Windows Kernel
- Windows kernel
- A multithreaded kernel
- Provides support for real-time applications
→ preemptive priority scheduling, response time ⬇️ (scheduling을 자주)
- Provides support for multiple processors
- Accessing global variables
- Single-processor system: mask interrupt (disable interrupt)
- Multi-processor system: spinlocks
- Only to protect short code segments
- The kernel ensures that a thread will never be preempted while holding a spinlock
- For thread synchronization outside the kernel, windows provides dispatcher objects
- Mutex locks, semaphores, events, timers
- States of dispatcher objects
- Signaled state: the object is available → mutex = 1, unlock
- Thread will not block when acquiring the object.
- Nonsignaled state: the object is not available → mutex = 0, lock
- Thread will block when attempting to acquire the object.
- Its state changes from ready to waiting, and the thread is placed in a waiting queue for that object
- Critical section object: a user-mode mutex that can often be acquired and released without kernel intervention
→ Hybrid lock(spinlock + blocking)
- A critical-section object first uses a spinlock while waiting for the other thread to release the object
➔ Does not allocate kernel object. (efficient)
- If it spins too long, the acquiring thread will then allocate a kernel mutex and yield its CPU
Synchronization in Linux Kernel
- From v.2.6., Linux kernel is fully preemptive
- Atomic integer (atomic_t)
- All math operations are performed without interruption
Ex) atomic_t counter; → prevent race condition
int value;
- Mutex locks in kernel → 실습 x
- int mutex_init(mutex_t mp, int type, void arg);
- int mutex_lock(mutex_t *mp); → wait
- int mutex_trylock(mutex_t *mp);
- int mutex_unlock(mutex_t *mp); → signal
- int mutex_consistent(mutex_t *mp);
- int mutex_destroy(mutex_t *mp);
- Spinlocks
- spin_lock(), spin_unlock(), etc.
- Useful for short duration
- Inappropriate on single processing core
- Enabling/disabling kernel preemption → usermode에서 실행X
- preempt_disable(), preempt_enable()
🖥️ Synchronization in Java
- Java monitors
- Synchronized methods
- Entry set → waiting하는 곳
- Threads waiting for the lock
- Releasing the lock
- Resumes an arbitrarily chosen thread
- In practice, FIFO policy
- Producer-Consumer in Java
- Java monitors
- If the thread that has the lock is unable to continue, it calls wait()
Ex) Calling insert() when the buffer is full
1. The thread releases the lock for the object.
2. The state of the thread is set to blocked.
3. The thread is placed in the wait set for the object.
- Other thread can call notify() to wake up a waiting thread
- Picks an arbitrary thread T from the list of threads in the wait set
- Moves T from the wait set to the entry set
- When the lock is released, JVM arbitrarily chooses a thread to run
- Sets the state of T from blocked to runnable
- Semaphores
- Constructor
- Critical-section
HGU 전산전자공학부 김인중 교수님의 23-1 운영체제 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.