[ OS ] 10. Virtual Memory

38A·2023년 5월 28일

Operating System

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🖥️ Background

  • Instructions should be in physical memory to be executed
    ➔ In order to execute a program, should we load entire program in memory? → 필요한 부분만
  • Some parts are rarely used
    • Error handling codes
    • Arrays/lists larger than necessary
    • Rarely used routines
  • Alternative
    • Executing program which is only partially in memory
  • If we can run a program by loading in parts ...
    • A program is not constrained by the amount of physical memory
    • More program can run at the same time
    • Less I/O is need to load or swap programs

Virtual Memory

  • Virtual memory: a separation of logical memory from physical memory
    → paging + swapping(Disk)
    • Contents not currently reside in main memory can be addressed
      ➔ H/W and OS will load the required memory from auxiliary storage automatically
    • User programs can reference more memory than actually exists
    • Only part of the program(일부만 load → 단위 : page) needs to be in memory for execution
    • Logical address space can be much larger than physical address space → Swapping (Disk)
    • Allows address spaces to be shared by several processes → paging sharing
    • Allows for more efficient process creation (e.g. COW)
    • More programs running concurrently
      → program size가 줄어서 더 많은 program 가능
    • Less I/O needed to load or swap processes
      → I/O overhead ⬇️, 전체 swapping이 아닌 page(4K ~ 4M)

Virtual Address Space

  • Virtual address space: logical view of how process is stored in memory
    • Usually start at address 0, contiguous addresses until end of space.
    • Meanwhile, physical memory organized in page frames
    • MMU must map logical to physical
    • Programmers don’t have to concern about memory management
    • Virtual address space can be sparse

Implementation Techniques

  • Demand paging
    • Paging + swapping

🖥️ Demand paging

  • Similar to paging system with swapping
  • Lazy swapper(꼭 옮겨야 하는것만 swapping) (or pager)
    • Pages are only loaded when they are demanded during execution
  • Pages are loaded only when they are demanded during program execution
    • Requires H/W support to distinguish the page on memory or on disk

Page Table with Valid/Invalid Bit

  • Valid/invalid bit of each page
    • Valid: the page is valid and exists in physical memory
    • Invalid: the page is not valid (not in the valid logical address space of the process (not exist) or (exist, but) not loaded in physical memory
  • If program tries to access ..
    • Valid page: execution proceeds normally
    • Invalid page: cause ⭐️ page-fault trap to OS → interrupt (H/W support)

Basic Concepts

  • Handling page-fault
    • Check an internal table to determine whether the reference was valid or not
    • If the reference was invalid(not exist), terminates the process
    • If valid, page it in (not loaded)
      • Find a free frame
      • Read desired page into the free frame (load)
      • Modify internal(page) table
      • Restart the instruction that caused the page-fault trap
  • In pure demand paging, a page is not brought into memory until it is required
  • Performance degradation
    • Theoretically(이론적으로), some program can cause multiple page faults per instructions
    • But actually, this behavior is exceedingly unlikely
      • locality of references
  • H/W supports for demand paging
    • Page table (support for valid-invalid bit, ...) → page fault handler
    • Secondary memory (swap space) → Disk
    • Instruction restart

Performance of Demand Paging

  • Effective access time
    = (1 - p)*ma + p * < page fault time >
    • ma : memory access time (10~200 nano sec.)
    • p : probability of page fault
  • Page fault time
    • Service page-fault interrupt → 1~100 μ\musec
    • Read in the page → about 8 msecs
    • Restart the process → 1~100 μ\musec

  • Example
    • Memory access time: 200 nano sec
    • Page-fault service time: 8 milliseconds
  • Then...
    • Effective access time (in nano sec.)
      = (1-p) 200 + 8,000,000 p
      \approx 200 + 7,999,800 * p
      • Proportional to page fault rate
        Ex) p == 1/1000, effective access time = 8.2 μ\musec (40 times) → 200 nano sec * 40
    • Page fault rate should be kept low (작게 유지)

Execution of Program in File System

  • Ways to execute a program in file system
    • Option1: copy entire file into swap space(overhead) at starting time
      • Usually swap space is faster than file system
    • ✅ Option2: initially, demand pages from files system and all subsequent paging can be done from swap space
      • Only needed pages are read from file system

🖥️ Copy-on-Write (COW)

  • fork() copies process
    • Duplicates pages belong to the parent
  • Copy-on-write (COW)
    • When the process is created, pages are not actually duplicated but just shared
      • Process creation time is reduced
    • When either process writes to a shared page, a copy of the page is created
      cf. vfork() – logically(논리적으로 sharing) shares memory with parent (obsolete) → using X
  • Many OS’s provides a list of free frames for COW or stack/heap that can be expanded
    Zero-fill-on-demand (ZFOD) → free frame으로 선언된 frame 내용도 최대한 끝까지 유지해서 Disk access를 줄이는 테크닉 ( zero-fill = remove )
    • Zero-out pages before being assigned to a process
  • Before P1 modifies page C!
  • After P1 modifies page C

  • Two major problems in demand paging
    • Page-replacement algorithm
    • Frame-allocation algorithms
  • Even slight improvement can yield large gain in performance.
    • Effective access time = (1-p) * ma + p * < page fault time >

🖥️ Page replacement

  • Page replacement
    • If no frame is free at a page fault, we find a frame not being used currently, and swap out
    • Writing overhead can be reduced by modify-bit (or dirty-bit) for each frame → 0이면 swap할 필요 X

Page Faults vs. Number of Frames

  • In general, the more frames, the fewer page faults
    → 반비례, but linear 하진 않음

Page Replacement Algorithms

→ Page fault handling할 때 발생

FIFO page replacement

  • First-in, first-out: when a page should be replaced, the oldest page is chosen
    • Easy, but not always good
    • # of page faults: 15
  • Problem: Belady’s anomaly
  • Belady’s anomaly: # of faults for 4 frames is greater than # of faults for 3 frames
    (Reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Page-fault rate may increase as the number of frames increase

Optimal Page Replacement

  • Replace the page that will not be used for the longest period of time
    • # of page faults: 9
  • Problem: It requires future knowledge

LRU Page Replacement

  • LRU (Least Recently Used): replace page that has not been used for longest period of time
    • # of page faults: 12
    • LRU is considered to be good and used frequently

Implementation of LRU

  • Using counter (logical clock)
    • Associate with each page-table entry a time-of-used field → memory access가 너무 자주돼서 overhead가 너무 큼
    • Whenever a page is referenced, clock register is copied to its time-of-used field
  • Using stack of page numbers
    • If a page is referenced, remove it and put on the top of the stack→ 대안, but 여전히 slow

LRU-Approximation Page Replacement → 정확한 LRU 아님

  • Motivation
    • LRU algorithm is good, but few system provide sufficient supports for LRU
    • However, many systems support reference bit(supported by H/W, 사용시 1로 바꿔줌) for each page
      • We can determine which pages have been referenced, but not their order.
  • LRU-approximation algorithms
    • Additional-reference-bit algorithm
      • Gain additional ordering information by recording the reference bits at regular intervals.
        Ex) keep 8-bit byte for each page and records current state of reference bits of each page
    • Second-chance algorithm
      • Basically, FIFO algorithm
      • If reference bit of the chosen page is 1, give a second chance
        • The reference bit is cleared → set to 0

Page-Buffering Algorithms

  • Pool of free frames
    • Some system maintain a list of free frames
      → page replacement algo.으로 미리 결정해둠, swap out을 미리 해둔다 (삭제준비) → swap in만 하면됨
    • When a page fault occurs, a victim frame is chosen from the pool.
    • Frame number of each free page can be kept for next use.
  • Keep a list of free frames and remember which page was in each frame.
    • The old page can be reused.
    • OS typically applies ZFOD(zero-fill on demand) technique.
  • List of modified pages
    • Whenever the page device is idle, a modified page is written to disk

🖥️ Allocation of Frames

  • How do we allocate the fixed amount of free memory among various processes?
    • How many frames does each process get?
  • Minimum number of frames for each process
    • # of frames for each process decreases
      → page-fault rate is increases
      → performance degradation
    • Minimum # of frames should be large enough to hold all different pages that any single instruction can reference

Equal allocation

  • Split m frames among n processes
    → m / n frames for each process

Proportional allocation → process 크기에 비례해서

  • Allocate available memory to each process according to its size
    ai_i = si_i / S * m(process #)
    • ai_i: # of frames allocated to process pi_i
    • si_i: size of process pi_i
    • S = Σ\Sigma si_i → process total size
  • Variation: frame allocation based on ...
    • Priority of process → 중요도 반영 X
    • Combination of size and priority

Global vs. Local Allocation

  • Global replacement: a process can select a replacement frame from the set of all frames, including frames allocated to other processes
    → All process frame 전체 중에서 replace
    • A process cannot control its own page-fault rate
    • 장점 : 효율적, 단점 : process간 경계 X, performance 영향
  • Local replacement: # of frames for a process does not change
    • Less used pages of memory can’t be used by other process

Global replacement is more common method

🖥️ Thrashing

→ memory가 부족할 때

  • If a process does not have enough frames to support pages in active use, it quickly faults again and again.
  • A process is thrashing if it is spending more time paging(swapping) than executing
    → paging time (= Using Disk) > executing time (= Using CPU)
  • If trashing sets in, CPU utilization drops sharply
    • Degree of multiprogramming should be decreased
  • To prevent thrashing, a process must be provided with as many frames as it needs
    → How to know how many frames it needs?
  • Locality model
    • Locality: set of pages actively used together
    • A program is generally composed of several localities

Working-Set Model

  • Working set: set of pages in the most recent Δ\Delta page references
    • Parameter Δ\Delta: working-set window
      Ex_ 10
    • WSSi_i: working set size of process pi_i
    • Process pi_i needs WSSi_i framespi_i < WSSi_i : page fault 급격히 증가 = performance drop
  • If total demand is greater than # of available frames, thrashing will occur.

Working Sets and Page Fault Rates

  • Direct relationship between working set of a process and its page-fault rate
  • Working set changes over time
  • Peaks and valleys over time

Page-Fault Frequency

  • Alternative method to control trashing: control degree of multiprogramming by page-fault frequency (PFF)
    • If PFF of a process is too high, allocate more frame
    • If PFF of a process is too low, remove a frame from it

🖥️ Memory-mapped files

  • Memory-mapped file: a part of virtual address space is logically associated with a file
    • Map a disk block to a page in memory
    1. Initial access proceeds through demand paging results in page fault
    2. A page-sized portion of the file is read from the file system into a physical page
    3. Subsequent access is through memory access routine
    4. When the file is closed, memory-mapped data are written back to disk
  • Advantages
    • Reduces overhead of read() and write()
    • File sharing
      → ⭐️ Faster

Shared Memory in Win32 API

  • File mapping is the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process.
    • The system creates a file mapping object to maintain this association.
    • A file view is the portion of virtual address space that a process uses to access the file's contents.
    • It also allows the process to work efficiently with a large data file.
    • Multiple processes can also use memory-mapped files to share data

Memory-Mapped I/O

  • I/O devices are accessed through ...
    • Device registers in I/O controller to hold command and data
    • Usually, special instructions transfer data between device registers and memory
  • Memory-mapped I/O: ranges of memory addresses are set aside and mapped to the device registers
    • In IBM PC, each location on screen is mapped to a memory location
    • Serial/parallel ports - data transfer through reading/writing device registers (ports)
  • Programmed I/O (PIO)
    Ex) Sending a long string of bytes through memory-mapped I/O
    • CPU sets a byte to a register and set a bit in the control register to signal that the data is available.
    • Device receives the data and clears the bit in the control register to signal CPU that it is ready for the next byte.
      cf. Interrupt driven I/O

🖥️ Allocating Kernel Memory

→ Externel fragmentation 문제를 해결할 paging을 사용하지 못함

1) Buddy System

  • Buddy system: allocates memory from a fixed-size segment consisting of physically contiguous pages
    • Power-of-2 allocator
      Ex) initially 256 KB(memory) is available, 21 KB(kernel) was requested
    • Advantage: easy to combine adjacent buddies
    • Disadvantage: internal fragmentation

2) Slab Allocation

→ kernel은 일정한 크기의 struct size를 할당과 해제를 반복함

  • Motivation: mismatch between allocation size and requested size
    • Page-size granularity vs. byte-size granularity
    • Applied since Solaris 2.4 and Linux 2.2
  • Cache for each unique kernel data structure
    • A slab is made up of one or more physically contiguous pages
    • A cache consists of one or more slabs

🖥️ Other considerations


  • A problem of pure demand paging (page fault가 나면 그 page만 읽어온다): a large number of page faults
  • Prepaging: bring all pages that will be needed at one time to reduce page faults
    Ex) working-set model
    • Important issue: cost of prepaging vs. cost of servicing corresponding page faults

Page size

  • Historical trend: page size is getting larger

TLB reach

  • To improve TLB hit ratio, size of TLB should be increased.
    → but associate memory is expensive, power hungry
  • TLB reach: amount of memory accessible from TLB
    • TLB reach = < # of entries in TLB > * < page size >
      → 크면 클수록 hit ratio ⬆️
  • TLB reach can increase by increasing page size
    • However, with large page, fragmentation also increases.
      ➔ S/W managed TLB (OS support several different page sizes)
      Ex) UltraSparc, MIPS, Alpha
      Cf) PowerPC, Pentium: H/W managed TLB

Program structure

  • User don’t’ have to know about nature of memory. But, if user knows underlying demand paging, performance can be improved
    • Ex) If page size is 128 words(integer size), B is better than A

I/O interlock

  • Memory space related to I/O transfer should not be replaced
  • Remedies
    • I/O transfer is performed only through system memory
    • Locking pages in memory → swapping에서 제외시킴

HGU 전산전자공학부 김인중 교수님의 23-1 운영체제 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.

HGU - 개인 공부 기록용 블로그

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