used to keep track of files and file storage on disk.
Windows is recommended to use NTFS Filesystem
Ubuntu is recommended to use ext4 Filesystem
FAT32 supports reading and wrting data to Windows, Linux, Mac Os
Disk Anatomy
Partition -> the piece of disk you can manage.
Volume -> when a filesystem is formatted on a partition, it becomes a volume.
Partition Table -> tells the OS how the disk is partitioned.
- MBR(Master Boot Record) : traditional partition table, mostly used in Windows. only have 4 primary partitions
- GPT(GUID Partition Table) : new standard for disks. has one type of partition. you can have as many as you want.
UEFI -> default BIOS for newer systems. to boot, must use GPT.
Mounting -> make something accessible to the computer, like filesystem or hard disk
- Diskpart -> terminal based tool for managing disks right from the command line.
- list disk : list disks
- select disk 1 : select a disk
- clean : clean the disk
- create partition primary : create partition in selected disk
- select partition 1 : select created parition
- active : make selected partition active
- format FS=NTFS label=my-thumb-drive quick : format disk
- Parted Tool -> supports both MBR and GPT partitioning
Partition a disk
- parted -l : list disks
- parted /dev/sdb : select a disk
- print : show status
- mklable gpt : make lable with string
- mkpart priamry ext4 1MiB 5GiB : make partition with necessary informations.
Add Filesystem
- mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 : add filesystem
Mount for use
- mount /dev/sdb1 /my_usb : mount the disk to a directory
- now you can read and write data in the disk
- /etc/fstab : add an entry automatically mount filesystems when the computer boots
- sudo blkid : shows UUID for block device IDs aka storage device IDs.
- Virtual Memory -> how our OS provides physical memory available in our computer(like RAM) to the application that run on the computer
- swap space -> where we allocate virtual memory on our hard drives
- mkpart primary linux-swap 5GiB 100% -> make swap partition
- sudo mkswap /dev/sdb2 -> make swap space
- sudo swapon /dev/sdb2 -> enable swap on device
when OS handles files
it actually handles
- file data -> actual contents
- file metadata -> owner, permissions, size, location etc..
- file system
MFT -> Master File Table
every file on volume has at least one entry.
shortcut -> another file, another entry on MFT. has reference to some destination.
symbolic link -> points to the name of another entry or another file. OS treats then like substitutes for the file
- inode -> we store inodes in an inode table and they help us manage files on our file system.
- softlink -> point to another file
ln -s
- hardlinks -> link to an inode