SQL Introduction

A database language used by relational databases. MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.

Can send query to the database to get or insert the data. SQL requires a fixed data structure.

Unlike SQL, database which the structure of data is not fixed is NoSQL. Database like MongoDB is called NoSQL.

What is Query?
Question to filter data.

Basic query

Basic grammar required to use SQL

  • Select

  • Where

  • And, Or, Not

  • Order By

  • Insert Into

  • Null Values

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Count

  • Like

  • Wildcards

  • Aliases

  • Joins

    • Inner Jin
    • Left Join
    • Right JOin
  • Group By

Database Commands

  • Create Database
CREATE DATABASE (Database_Name);
  • Use Database
USE (Database_Name);
  • Create Table
    name varchar(255),
    email varchar(255),
  • Describe (database_name);
    Can check table information.

SQL Commands

  • From
    If you are working with tables, you need to write the name of the database table name from which to find the result after FROM.
SELECT (characteristic) FROM (Table_name);

SELECT * FROM (Table_name);
// * mean find all
    WHERE allows you to find a specific selected value.
SELECT (characteristic) FROM (Table_name) WHERE (Specific_Value);

You can find the result of comparing if Specific_Value is greater than or less than a 100.

SELECT (characteristic) FROM (Table_name) WHERE (Specific_Value <= 100);

When searching for data about NULL, you have to use IS together.

SELECT * FROM (Table_name) WHERE (Specific_Value) IS NULL
    You can check the results by sorting the data.
SELECT * FROM (Table_name) ORDER BY (Specific);


SELECT * FROM (Table_name) ORDER BY (Specific) DESC;
  • Inner Join
    Join two or more tables based on a common part.
SELECT * FROM (Table_name1) JOIN (Table_name2) ON (Table_name1.Specific_Value) = (Table_name2.Specific_Value)


  • Atomity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability

This property is necessary to ensure the safety of the database.


All operations in a transaction either all succeed or all fail, resulting in predictable outcomes.
(If you fail due to a small mistake, all progress will be turned into failure.)


The database must always be consistent. In a database with rules, data that breaks the rules cannot be generate.


All transactions are independent of other transactions.

ex) You have $10, If you send $10 to B and C at the same time. It looks like it will be -$10, but actually transfer money to only one of B and C.


Even if an error, the error also logged in system. Record must be permanent.

Difference between SQL and NoSQL


In a relational database, the structure and data type of a table are defined in advance, and only enter data in the appropriate format for the table.

It stores data in a table organized into rows and columns.

When SQL database expansion. Expand vertically. Complex and take times a lot.

  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB


Compared to SQL, Data entry is easy. For SQL, data must be entered according to the schema. However, in NoSQL, if a schema does not exist, data can be entered by creating a new schema.

NoSQL databases expand horizontally. The cost also low.

  • MongoDB
  • Casandra


  • Key-Value: Key stands for property name and Value stands for data value.
    NoSQL is stored in key-value format.

  • Document Database: It stores data like document. Stores data like JSON format.

  • Wide-Column Database: Free to add any columns you need.

Which database is good?

There is no answer. There are pros and cons to SQL and NoSQL, so take a look at your uses case and choose the right database for you.

Case using SQL database

If you care about ACID, I recommend using a SQL database.

Case using NoSQL database

If you need to utilize a lot of storage space, NoSQL is good expand. Build service quickly, or if update data structures frequently, NoSQL is a good choice.

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