Connect To Lighsail with SSH

anonymous·2021년 12월 12일

Step 1: Get the Private Key

1 Log into your Lightsail account.
2 On the top right, click on Account > Account.
3 Navigate to the SSH Keys tab.
4 Click the Download link which is next to the instance’s region.
(You can also upload or create new)
5 A LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem file will be downloaded.

Step 2: In PuTTYgen Generating an *.ppk File

1 Open the PuTTYgen client.
2 Go to File > Load private key.
3 In the Windows Browse dialog, switch from browsing just PuTTY Private Key Files (.ppk) to All Files (.)
4 Open LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1.pem file downloaded before.
5 Click on the Save private key button.
6 Click on Yes to Save it without the passphrase for convenience.
7 Give a file name and save it as a
.ppk file.

Step 3: SSHing with PuTTY

1 Launch PuTTY
2 Copy your website’s static IP address.
3 In PuTTY, paste the IP in the Host Name field.
4 From the left, navigate to Connection > SSH > Auth.
5 Browse and open the *.ppk file that you created previously.
6 Click on Open.
Confirm the trust connection dialog.
7 For Login as: enter the username.

ubuntu or root on ubuntu AMIs
ec2-user on Amazon Linux AMI
centos on Centos AMI
debian or root on Debian AMIs
ec2-user or fedora on Fedora
ec2-user or root on: RHEL AMI, SUSE AMI, other ones.


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