Query the Name of any student in STUDENTS who scored higher than Marks. Order your output by the last three characters of each name.
Write a query that prints a list of employee names (i.e.: the name attribute) from the Employee table in alphabetical order.
Write a query identifying the type of each record in the TRIANGLES table using its three side lengths.
Generate the following two result sets
Pivot the Occupation column in OCCUPATIONS so that each Name is sorted alphabetically and displayed underneath its corresponding Occupation.
You are given a table, BST, containing two columns: N and P, where N represents the value of a node in Binary Tree, and P is the parent of N.
Amber's conglomerate corporation just acquired some new companies.
Write a query calculating the amount of error, and round it up to the next integer.
Write a query to find the maximum total earnings for all employees as well as the total number of employees who have maximum total earnings.
Query the Manhattan Distance between points P1 and P2 and round it to a scale of 4 decimal places.
Query the Euclidean Distance between points P1 and P2 and format your answer to display decimal digits.
Query the median of the Northern Latitudes (LAT_N) from STATION and round your answer to 4 decimal places.
Query the names of all the continents and their respective average city populations rounded down to the nearest down to the nearest integer.
Write a query to help Eve.
Write a query to print the respective hacker_id and name of hackers who achieved full scores for more than one challenge.
Write a query to print the id, age, coins_needed, and power of the wands that Ron's interested in, sorted in order of descending power.
Write a query to print the hacker_id, name, and the total number of challenges created by each student.
Write a query to print the hacker_id, name, and total score of the hackers ordered by the descending score.
Write a query to output the start and end dates of projects listed by the number of days it took to complete the project in ascending order.
Write a query to output the names of those students whose best friends got offered a higher salary than them.
Write a query to output all such symmetric pairs in ascending order by the value of X. List the rows such that X1 ≤ Y1.
Samantha interviews many candidates from different colleges using coding challenges and contests.
Write a query to print total number of unique hackers
Write a query to print the pattern P(20).
Write a query to print the pattern P(20).
Write a query to print all prime numbers less than or equal to 1000.