The git restore
command is used to unstage files from the staging area or to restore working tree files. It was introduced in Git 2.23 and is meant to be a more intuitive alternative to git reset
and git checkout
for these specific tasks.
Here are the most common uses of git restore
To unstage files: git restore --staged <file>
: This command unstages the specified file from the staging area, but leaves the working directory unchanged. This is equivalent to git reset HEAD <file>
To discard changes in the working directory: git restore <file>
: This command discards changes in the working directory for the specified file, bringing it back to the state of the last commit. This is equivalent to git checkout -- <file>
It's important to note that git restore
can permanently discard changes, so be careful when using it. Always make sure your work is committed or stashed somewhere safe before running git restore
For more detailed usage, you can refer to the official Git documentation or use git restore --help