54 Movie Rating
Write a solution to: Find the name of the user who has rated the greatest number of movies. In case of a tie, return the lexicographically smaller user name. Find the movie name with the highest average rating in February 2020. In case of a tie, return the lexicographically smaller movie name.
with temp_movie as ( select mr.movie_id, user_id, title, avg(rating) max_rate from MovieRating mr join Movies m on mr.movie_id=m.movie_id where date_format(created_at,'%Y-%m') = '2020-02' group by mr.movie_id order by max_rate desc, title limit 1 ), temp_user as ( select movie_id, mr.user_id, name, count(*) cnt_rate from MovieRating mr join Users u on mr.user_id=u.user_id group by mr.user_id order by cnt_rate desc, name limit 1 ) select name as results from temp_user union all select title from temp_movie
조건 1과 조건 2에 대해서 각각 찾은 후 union all로 수직 결합 실시!