decal·2022년 12월 30일

study notes

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1-1 Orientation

We save and open data in a FILE.

But, files have limitations in terms of performance, security, convenience.

DATABASE is a specialized software designed to overcome the limitations that files have.

Examples of database products: MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB ...

1-2 The Essence of Database

CORE: how to input and output data from the database

Input: CUD (Create, Update, Delete)
Output: R (Read)

1-3 File vs Database

File -> Spreadsheet -> Database

1-4 End

Database Model

  • Relational DBMS: 관계형 데이터베이스 관리 시스템
    Oracle (유료, 대기업, 공기업에서 주로 사용),
    MySQL (무료, 오픈소스)
  • Others

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