이 글은 '부스트코스 코칭스터디 : PY4E 2022'에 참여하여 학습한 것의 기록물입니다.
아주 잘 쓰여진 소프트웨어가 지능 역할을 대신한다!
Central Processing Unit(CPU)
: Runs the Program - The CPU is always wondering “What to do next”. Not the brains exactly - very dumb but very very fast
Input Devices
: Keyboard, Mouse, Touch Screen
Output Devices
: Screen, Speakers, Printer, DVD Burner
Main Memory
: Fast small temporary storage - lost on reboot - aka RAM
Secondary Memory
: Slower large permanent storage - last until deleted - disk drive / memory stick
Inside of Hard Drive
-> Simple operations performed by a hard drive with no cover, so that you can see what it looks like inside.
What happens when the CPU cooler is removed?
-> A video from 2001 from Tom's Hardware. They run quake 3 from different mobo/cpu's that were very common in that era and then take the cpu cooler (heatsink and/or fan) off. Its actually quite interesting to see which ones survive and which ones burn.