알고리즘 24 - Length of Last Word

박진현·2021년 7월 15일


Given a string s consists of some words separated by spaces, return the length of the last word in the string. If the last word does not exist, return 0.

A word is a maximal substring consisting of non-space characters only.

Example 1:

Input: s = "Hello World"
Output: 5
Example 2:

Input: s = " "
Output: 0


1 <= s.length <= 104
s consists of only English letters and spaces ' '.


var lengthOfLastWord = function(s) {
  const strToArr = s.trim().split(' ')
  return strToArr[strToArr.length-1].length

Runtime: 68 ms, faster than 92.32% of JavaScript online submissions for Length of Last Word.
Memory Usage: 39 MB, less than 18.46% of JavaScript online submissions for Length of Last Word

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