알고리즘 42 - Array.diff

박진현·2021년 7월 19일


Your goal in this kata is to implement a difference function, which subtracts one list from another and returns the result.

It should remove all values from list a, which are present in list b keeping their order.

arrayDiff([1,2],[1]) == [2]
If a value is present in b, all of its occurrences must be removed from the other:

arrayDiff([1,2,2,2,3],[2]) == [1,3]


function arrayDiff(a, b) {
  let copyA = [...a]
   for (aEl of a) {
    for (bEl of b) {
      if (aEl === bEl) {
  return copyA

incldues를 쓰면 간편하게 풀 수 있다

function arrayDiff(a, b) {
  return a.filter( el => !b.includes(el))
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