알고리즘 91 - Build a pile of Cubes

박진현·2021년 7월 24일


Your task is to construct a building which will be a pile of n cubes. The cube at the bottom will have a volume of n^3, the cube above will have volume of (n-1)^3 and so on until the top which will have a volume of 1^3.

You are given the total volume m of the building. Being given m can you find the number n of cubes you will have to build?

The parameter of the function findNb (find_nb, find-nb, findNb, ...) will be an integer m and you have to return the integer n such as n^3 + (n-1)^3 + ... + 1^3 = m if such a n exists or -1 if there is no such n.

findNb(1071225) --> 45

findNb(91716553919377) --> -1


function findNb(m) {
   let comp = 0;
  for (let i = 1; i < m; i++) {
    comp += i**3
    if(comp === m) return i
    if(comp > m) return -1
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