TIL22 - JS - Higher Order Functions

Peter D Lee·2020년 8월 31일


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Higher-order fuctions are functions that take in other functions as parameters, return a function as an output, or both

  • In JavaScript, functions are obects
  • Functions are first class objects, meaning they have properties and methods like any other objects
  • Functions work like any other data types, meaning they can be reassigned to other variables and taken as parameters/arguments in other functions
  • When a function is used as an argument to a higher-order function, the function is called a callback function -> the function is not 'called' or 'invoked' to return the output of the function call, but is 'called back' to refer to the function itself by the higher-order function.
    > when using callback functions, you write only the function's name without (). The () used with the function name is for function calls.
    > this also applies when you assign a function to a new variable -> you are not assigning the result of the function call to the new variable. you are assigning the function itself to the new variable for an easier callback later on

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