Dance&Dancer_Match_11) 2020_07_03

오범준·2020년 7월 9일

Uploading To Server

1 Error : "Warning: Identity file C:Users\user\Desktop\Dance_Project_HD\git_home\UbuntuKey~~~~.pem not accessible: No such file or directory."

Solution : Change "\" into "/"

2. Error : Server not ran in aws

As you see, I uploaded my local codes to aws( ubuntu )..... I guess

And As I ran server by "npm run backend" which is the way I ran server in VSC, Following Error occurs

Trial 1. I tried to reinstall "node_modules"

I was trying below 3 lines of code

$ npm install -g npm@latest  # or, npm install -g npm@latest --prefix "C:\Program Files\nodejs"
$ rm -rf node_modules        # or, `cmd /c rmdir /s /q node_modules` on Windows
$ npm install

I tried 1st line...

But Then, following error appears

What is "root/Administer..?"

I restarted git.bash by running as "Administrator" ( 관리자 실행 ) and ran the same processes

BUt Same Error occurs


Trial 2. I tried from the very beginning... remove node.js and restart whole processes

Still not working

Trial 3: Followed Below Video

PB 3_1 ) install node js error in “make” command: “recipe for target 'node' failed” - node.js

I tried 1st line, and then "make" but
Follwing Error occured

I'm trying to install node js 7.4.0 on my ubuntu 18.04. and ./configure works correctly. the problem is in “make” command

Trial 4 :Follow other video

By adding below code after "nvm install node"

sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT -- to-ports 4000

( 4000 has to be set as port we are using in our project )

I seemed working

But, You need additional work, which is revising Inbound Rule in "EC2" to open to port we are using

Trial 5. After I tested server is working, I tried to reenter the ubuntu by "git-bash", but following new error appeared

$ ssh -i C:/Users/user/Desktop/Dance_Project_HD/git_home/UbuntuKey/limhandong.pem ubuntu@13.
20 9.6.115
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

I thought this problem was related with "Inbound Rule in EC2"

You have to allow access from "port 22"

3. Install, Executing "MongoDB" in AWS

PB 3.1 : When I tried to add user by "Id" and "Password", following error occured

Solution : ....? It's not basically solution, but this process was useless

because what I was doing was creating mongodb in Linux,
which is creating totally new mongodb and I am giving admin to this DB. ( setting ID and PWD)

BUT,,, I was keep confronting errors......

And I thought....WHy Do I have to do this when I already have existing mongoDB ... ???

That is why I Skipped This processs.

( change "python" to "npm run backend")

Dream of being "물빵개" ( Go abroad for Dance and Programming)

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