My first Personal Project: Dance Matching platform_3) 2020_04_14

오범준·2020년 4월 15일

Ongoing Processes

  1. Google Vision Api
    It seems like I 'am almost done. but it is still hard

I finished following processes
set API KEY on google cloud ( including All the basic processes to get the API_KEY from the google cloud )

The steps I have to do is, 
acualize by any kind of language.

So far, I tried to do things by,,,,console…??
Friend recommended me to use "VM" . So I will try ……

I Solved it
API_KEY required is upperone, not the key from "Service ID"

    ( Downloading Json File in Cloud Shell into Local PC that I am using) 
  2. Environment Variable
    setx GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Web_Study\Dance_Match\conductive-fold-274106-d84ff2b7f9b9.json" 
    use < google cloud sdk shell > !!

[Window]명령 프롬프트 창에서 환경변수 조회와 등록하는 방법(CMD set, setx 명령어)
컴퓨터를 이용하여 업무를 진행하다보면 마우스로 일을 처리하는 것보다 키보드로 타이핑을 칠때가 더 편할때가 있습니다. 대부분의 업무를 키보드만으로 할수는 없지만 가끔 리눅스에 터미널 프로그램을 연결하여 사용할때처럼…

Main Point
I found following errors so many times.
I was curious
I already registered "Environment Variable" to My Local
But python console continuously required me to register……What ??
But … I found out that,
I also need to additionally type
" set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Web_Study\Dance_Match\conductive-fold-274106-d84ff2b7f9b9.json" 
in Python Console.

  1. I looked up the "JustJerk Dance Academy"
    Since it didn't specifically mention what kind of genre each class is, maybe I have to classify them into "Urban" Genre.
    Also , I struggled getting the html.code from this site.

Response was "200"
But,…. I didn't get any elements. ….. What ??

Here is the Thing.
I might get html.code
but, main content that I wanted to get 
can only exist on Internet
but not in my Console( 사이트상에는 있지만, 내 콘솔로는 안불러와질 수 있다)

Dream of being "물빵개" ( Go abroad for Dance and Programming)

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