여유상점_09228 : 16) 관리자 페이지, 메인 페이지 passport.js 따로 관리

오범준·2020년 9월 29일

Trial 1.

Use JWT Token

signToken = user => {
    return  JWT.sign({
        iss :  'CodeWoker',
        // put in user's id
        sub : newUser.id,
        data : ~,
        iat : new Date().getTime(), // current time 
        exp : new Date().setDate( new Date().getDate()+ 1) // current tiem + 1 day
    }, JWT_SECRET) // 2nd paramter : secret password

So, When you login,
throught client or Admin ( exclulding the case in which you are logging through google )

0) reg, login process for admin : new Fetch api form applied

1) you apply different, local strategy ,

2) And, whenever you go through verifying processes
you check whether it is
admin login or client login


add column "admin" to "member"

add "ISADMIN" Middleware

5) google oauth refresh token의 경우에 대한 error handling

Dream of being "물빵개" ( Go abroad for Dance and Programming)

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