Spring Security 3.x.x h2-console enable 에러

정명진·2023년 9월 15일

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfiguration': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'setFilterChains' parameter 0: Error creating bean with name 'filterChain' defined in class path resource [com/example/securityspring/config/SecurityConfig.class]: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.security.web.SecurityFilterChain]: Factory method 'filterChain' threw exception with message: This method cannot decide whether these patterns are Spring MVC patterns or not. If this endpoint is a Spring MVC endpoint, please use requestMatchers(MvcRequestMatcher); otherwise, please use requestMatchers(AntPathRequestMatcher).

This is because there is more than one mappable servlet in your servlet context: {org.h2.server.web.JakartaWebServlet=[/h2-console/*], org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet=[/]}.

For each MvcRequestMatcher, call MvcRequestMatcher#setServletPath to indicate the servlet path.

spring security 3점대 버전에서 h2-console enable true로 옵션을 주니 해당 오류가 발생했다. 문제를 읽어보자면 무슨 servlet을 사용할지 명시해주라고 한다. 2점대 버전에서는 명시하지 않아도 문제가 발생하지 않았는데 3점대에서는 기재해줘야 하나보다.

따라서 설정을 다음과 같이 변경하여 오류를 해결했다.

public class SecurityConfig {
    public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
        return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

    public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
        return (web) -> web.ignoring().
                requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/h2-console/**"))
                .requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher( "/favicon.ico"))
                .requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher( "/css/**"))
                .requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher( "/js/**"))
                .requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher( "/img/**"))
                .requestMatchers(new AntPathRequestMatcher( "/lib/**"));

    protected SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http, HandlerMappingIntrospector introspector) throws Exception {
        http.authorizeHttpRequests(authorize ->
                        authorize.requestMatchers(new MvcRequestMatcher(introspector, "/user-service/**")).permitAll()
        return http.build();

개발자로 입사했지만 정체성을 잃어가는중... 다시 준비 시작이다..

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2023년 11월 28일

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