Asterisk in python: (*) and (**) - basic

Couch Potato·2020년 8월 12일


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(*) operator

  • (*): 곱셈 연산자 (mulitplication)
  • (**):지수화 연산자 (exponentiation)
In [1]: 2 * 5                                                                   
Out[1]: 10

In [2]: 2 ** 5                                                                  
Out[2]: 32

(*) prefix operator: 변수 앞에 쓰는 연산자

  • (*) asterisk unpack iterables into a LIST
  • (**) asterisk unpack iterables into a TUPLE
  • (*) 안 쓴 경우
In [1]: numbers = [1,2,3,4]                                                     

In [2]: more_numbers = [numbers,5,6,7]                                          

In [3]: print(more_numbers)                                                     
[[1, 2, 3, 4], 5, 6, 7]
  • (*) 쓴 경우
In [4]: more_numbers = [*numbers,5,6,7]                                         

In [5]: print(*more_numbers)                                                    
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In [6]: print(*more_numbers,sep=',')                                            
  • (*) 쓴 경우-2
In [4]: more_numbers = [*numbers,5,6,7]                                         

In [5]: print(*more_numbers)                                                    
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In [6]: *more_numbers                                                           
  File "<ipython-input-6-ca6965ea3cdc>", line 4
SyntaxError: can't use starred expression here

In [7]: print(*more_numbers,sep=',')                                            
  • 2차원 리스트에 (*) 쓴 경우
In [2]: points = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]                                            

In [3]: print(row for row in zip(*points))                                      
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fe914277830>

In [4]: print([row for row in zip(*points)])                                    
[(1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)] 

<generator object at 0x7fe914277830> (warning)

 (SOLUTION) tuple() or list() to convert that generator expression  
  • (*) 유용한 경우 - list 한꺼번에 풀어줄 때
In [1]: fruits = ['lemon','pear','watermelon','tomato']                         

In [2]: numbers = [1,2,3,4]                                                     

In [3]: print(*fruits, *numbers)                                                
lemon pear watermelon tomato 1 2 3 4

In [4]: print(*fruits, *numbers,sep=',')                                        
  • (**) 유용한 경우 - dict 한꺼번에 풀어줄 때
In [1]: date_info= {'year':2020, 'month': 1, 'day': 1}                          

In [2]: track_info = {'artist':'Beethoven','title':'symphony no.5'}             

In [3]: file_name = "{year}-{month}-{day}, artist-{artist}, title-{title}".format(** date_info, **track_info)                                           

In [4]: print(file_name)                                                        
2020-1-1, artist-Beethoven, title-symphony no.5

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