[Kafka] Introducing Apache Kafka

원알렉스·2020년 9월 26일


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🚀 Apache Kafka

✓ Event Streaming Platform

  • Producers and Consumers subscribe to a stream of records

  • Producer -> Streaming Platform -> Consumer

  • The producer and consumer here are independent of each other meaning the producer has no clue about which consumer is going to read the message.

  • Stores the stream of events so that it can be replayed if neccessary.

✓ Traditional Messaging System vs Kafka Streaming Platform

Traditional Messaging System

  • Transient Message Persistance: Once the messages are read by the consumers, then the messages will be removed from the message broker.

  • It is the brokers responsibility to keep track of consumed messages and remove them from the broker when the messages are read.

  • It can target a specific consumer to read the message from the broker.

  • Does not follow the principles of distributed systems.

Kafka Streaming Platform

  • Saves the messages in a file system where Kafka is installed.

  • Stores events based on a retention time. Events are immutable.

  • Consumers Responsibility to keep track of consumed messages.

  • Any consumer can access a message from the broker.

  • Kafka is built on top of the core principles of a distributed system.

✓ Kafka Use Cases


  • Driver Rider Notifications
  • Food Delivery Notifications


  • Sale Notifications
  • Real-Time Purchase Recommendations
  • Tracking online order deliveries


  • Fraud Transactions
  • New feature/product Notifications
Alex's Develog 🤔

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