[MP] Parallel Sorting

Bard·2024년 10월 8일

Sorting Algorithms

  • Comparison based

    • quick sort, merge sort, etc.
    • O(nlogn)O(n \log n)
  • Non-comparison based

    • counting sort, radix sort, etc.
    • O(n)O(n)
  • Parallel Comparison based ?

    • Ideal : O(nlogn)n=O(logn)\frac{O(n \log n)}{n} = O(\log n)

    • Similar with merge sort

    • Another example: Odd-Even Transposition Sort

    • O(n)O(n)

  • Generally n>>pn >> p

  • Time complexity:

    Tpar=(n/p)log(n/p)+p×(n/p)+p×(n/p)=(n/p)log(n/p)+2p(n/p)T_{par} = (n/p)\log(n/p) + p\times(n/p) + p\times(n/p) = (n/p)\log(n/p) +2p(n/p)

    (while ideal complexity's O(lognp)O(\frac{\log n}{p}))

  • Parallelizing Merge-Sort

    • Sequencial: Teq=O(nlogn)T_{eq} = O(n\log n)
    • Parallel: Tpar=2(n21+n22++2+1)=O(4n)T_{par} = 2\left(\frac{n}{2^1} + \frac{n}{2^2} + \cdots + 2 + 1\right) = O(4n)

Bitonic Sequence

  • s=<a0,a1,,an1>s = <a_0, a_1, \cdots, a_{n-1}> is bitonic means,
    i,0in1      s.t    s0..i\exist_{i, 0\le i \le n-1}\;\;\;s.t\;\;s_{0..i} increases & si..n1s_{i..n-1} decreases
  • Let s1=<min(a0,an/2),min(a1,an/2+1)min(an/21,an1)>s1= <\min(a_0, a_{n/2}), \min(a_1, a_{n/2 +1}) \cdots \min(a_{n/2-1},a_{n-1})>
  • Let s2=<max(a0,an/2),max(a1,an/2+1)max(an/21,an1)>s2=<\max(a_0, a_{n/2}), \max(a_1,a_{n/2+1}) \cdots \max(a_{n/2-1},a_{n-1}) >
  • Then, it looks like..
  • In semiconductor, there are two operators
  • \oplus : x=min(x,y)          y=max(x,y)x' = \min(x,y) \;\;\;\;\; y' = \max(x,y)
  • \ominus : x=max(x,y)          y=min(x,y)x' = \max(x,y) \;\;\;\;\; y' = \min(x,y)

  • Then sorting network looks like this.

  • How about non-sorted arrays? (not bitonic!)

  • Network below builds bitonic sequence from unsorted arrays

Shear sort

  • Shear sort is a sorting algorithm to build a snake-like sequence using n×nn\times n mesh

  • Alternate row and column sorting until list is fully sorted

  • Time complexity? (for n×nn \times n mesh)

    • Each step requires O(n)O(n)
    • One n×nn\times n mesh requires log(n2)\log(n^2) phases

Parallel Radix sort

  • Similar with trump cards sorting
  • counting sort for each digits, starts with least significant
  • Key point : Should use stable sort

  • Algorithm Overview

    1. Sequence: 7,14,4,1,67,14,4,1,6

    2. Binary rep.: 01112,11102,01002,00012,011020111_{2}, 1110_2, 0100_2, 0001_2, 0110_2

    3. bit 0: 1,0,0,1,01, 0, 0, 1, 0

    4. build histogram

    5. Calculate prefix sum for histogram

    6. Find offset: 0,0,1,1,20,0,1,1,2

    7. Find index (offset + prefix sum) 3,0,1,4,23,0,1,4,2

    8. Move values: 14,4,6,7,114,4,6,7,1

    9. Repeat for all bits

Recently broke up with FE engineering

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