230328 What is the REST API

William Parker·2023년 3월 28일

An API (Application Programming Interface) simply means a way to execute computer functions.


In conclusion, it refers to a type of format used when executing functions of other people's computers (servers), not your own.

In other words, when I access a specific url of Google Calendar or Twitter and get the information I want, the API function of the server is executed.

In particular, REST API is the result of contemplation on how to efficiently operate the API when controlling my computer through the Internet and the web. Its great feature is that it is possible to deduce what kind of action or information the request is for from the look of the request itself.

Because REST APIs are "forms", they are not limited by technology. Regardless of whether you are creating an app, web, or any programming language, you can create a RESTful service by following a certain format when exchanging information through HTTP between software.

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