iPhone 8+ checkra1n

이상학·2021년 11월 2일


목록 보기

iPhone 8+(GSM), IOS14.4.2

ICloud Lock 탈옥기

  1. Checkra1n 툴을 활용
  • Recovery mode 진입
  • DFU 모드진입
  • Checkra1n으로 탈옥
  1. F3arRa1n 툴 활용

<실패 부분>
2. USB에 SSH접속

  • usbmuxd LIB활용

    brew install usbmuxd
    iproxy 2222 44
    ssh root@localhost -p 2222

FROM. https://icheckm8.blogspot.com

Step 4: Run iproxy service which is a part of usbmuxd and make a tunnel from your MacBook port 2222 to jailbroken device port 44 (you can try 22 port as well). Also, you can use many other tools to make SSH works over USB connection.
iproxy 2222 44
DON'T CLOSE the iproxy terminal window else it will terminate the TCP connection.

Step 5: Open new terminal tab (Command + T) and SSH into your device.
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
Password: alpine

Step 6: Mount the device file system as read-write so we can delete or patch the Setup.app
mount -o rw,union,update /
Step 7: Rename Setup.app to any other filename like Setup.bak
mv /Applications/Setup.app /Applications/Setup.bak
You can also completely delete the Setup.app using this command
rm -rf /Applications/Setup.app
Step 8: Delete Setup.app activation screen cache (else it will be shown on device screen). This process can take a while and device will respring.
uicache --all
Step 9: Terminate all system processes related to Springboard
killall backboardd
iCloud Activation screen bypass done. Don't forget to support checkra1n developers as they put so much affords to bring us jailbreak and iCloud freedom.

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