[LeetCode] 1757. Recyclable and Low Fat Products - SQL

Donghyun·2024년 8월 5일

Code Kata - SQL

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링크: https://leetcode.com/problems/recyclable-and-low-fat-products/description/

Table: Products

| Column Name | Type    |
| product_id  | int     |
| low_fats    | enum    |
| recyclable  | enum    |
product_id is the primary key (column with unique values) for this table.
low_fats is an ENUM (category) of type ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is low fat and 'N' means it is not.
recyclable is an ENUM (category) of types ('Y', 'N') where 'Y' means this product is recyclable and 'N' means it is not.

Write a solution to find the ids of products that are both low fat and recyclable.

Return the result table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Products table:
| product_id  | low_fats | recyclable |
| 0           | Y        | N          |
| 1           | Y        | Y          |
| 2           | N        | Y          |
| 3           | Y        | Y          |
| 4           | N        | N          |
| product_id  |
| 1           |
| 3           |
Explanation: Only products 1 and 3 are both low fat and recyclable.


코드카타 플랫폼이 프로그래머스에서 LeetCode 라는 곳으로 바꼈다. 그래서 문제를 풀면 자동으로 깃허브에 커밋될 수 있도록 연동시켰다.

이번 문제 난이도는 너무 쉬웠다. 그냥 low_fats, recyclabel 의 값이 Y 인 것만 고르면 된다.


SELECT product_id
FROM Products
WHERE low_fats = 'Y' AND recyclable = 'Y';
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