출처의 코드를 사용.
Schema에 100퍼센트 적용이 안되는 듯함.
문자열 누락
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
const PRISMA_FILE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "..", "prisma", "schema.prisma");
function snakeToCamel(str: string) {
return str.replace(/([-_]\w)/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase());
function snakeToPascal(str: string) {
let camelCase = snakeToCamel(str);
return `${camelCase[0].toUpperCase()}${camelCase.substr(1)}`;
const PRISMA_PRIMITIVES = ["String", "Boolean", "Int", "Float", "DateTime"];
function isPrimitiveType(typeName: string) {
return PRISMA_PRIMITIVES.includes(typeName);
function fixFieldsArrayString(fields: string) {
return fields
.split(", ")
.map((field) => snakeToCamel(field))
.join(", ");
async function fixPrismaFile() {
const text = fs.readFileSync(path.join(PRISMA_FILE_PATH), "utf8");
const textAsArray = text.split("\n");
const fixedText = [];
let currentModelName: string | null = null;
let hasAddedModelMap = false;
for (let line of textAsArray) {
// Are we at the start of a model definition
const modelMatch = line.match(/^model (\w+) {$/);
if (modelMatch) {
currentModelName = modelMatch[1];
hasAddedModelMap = false;
const pascalModelName = snakeToPascal(currentModelName);
fixedText.push(`model ${pascalModelName} {`);
// We don't need to change anything if we aren't in a model body
if (!currentModelName) {
// Add the @@map to the table name for the model
if (!hasAddedModelMap && (line.match(/\s+@@/) || line === "}")) {
if (line === "}") {
fixedText.push(` @@map("${currentModelName}")`);
hasAddedModelMap = true;
// Renames field and applies a @map to the field name if it is snake case
// Adds an s to the field name if the type is an array relation
const fieldMatch = line.match(/\s\s(\w+)\s+(\w+)(\[\])?/);
let fixedLine = line;
if (fieldMatch) {
const [, currentFieldName, currentFieldType, isArrayType] = fieldMatch;
let fixedFieldName = snakeToCamel(currentFieldName);
if (isArrayType && !fixedFieldName.endsWith("s")) {
fixedFieldName = `${fixedFieldName}s`;
fixedLine = fixedLine.replace(currentFieldName, fixedFieldName);
// Add map if we needed to convert the field name and the field is not a relational type
// If it's relational, the field type will be a non-primitive, hence the isPrimitiveType check
if (currentFieldName.includes("_") && isPrimitiveType(currentFieldType)) {
fixedLine = `${fixedLine} @map("${currentFieldName}")`;
// Capitalizes model names in field types
const fieldTypeMatch = fixedLine.match(/\s\s\w+\s+(\w+)/);
if (fieldTypeMatch) {
const currentFieldType = fieldTypeMatch[1];
const fieldTypeIndex = fieldTypeMatch[0].lastIndexOf(currentFieldType);
const fixedFieldType = snakeToPascal(currentFieldType);
const startOfLine = fixedLine.substr(0, fieldTypeIndex);
const restOfLine = fixedLine.substr(
fieldTypeIndex + currentFieldType.length
fixedLine = `${startOfLine}${fixedFieldType}${restOfLine}`;
// Changes `fields: [relation_id]` in @relation to camel case
const relationFieldsMatch = fixedLine.match(/fields:\s\[([\w,\s]+)\]/);
if (relationFieldsMatch) {
const fields = relationFieldsMatch[1];
fixedLine = fixedLine.replace(fields, fixFieldsArrayString(fields));
// Changes fields listed in @@index or @@unique to camel case
const indexUniqueFieldsMatch = fixedLine.match(/@@\w+\(\[([\w,\s]+)\]/);
if (indexUniqueFieldsMatch) {
const fields = indexUniqueFieldsMatch[1];
fixedLine = fixedLine.replace(fields, fixFieldsArrayString(fields));
fs.writeFileSync(PRISMA_FILE_PATH, fixedText.join("\n"));