Choosing between Sociology and Economics as the UPSC optional paper

Elite IAS Academy ·2021년 6월 9일

UPSC candidates can feel confused while deciding on the optional subjects. As UPSC has presented a couple of subjects for the optional paper, it makes the candidates spoiled with choices. Still, subjects from social sciences have become highly popular among UPSC candidates. For instance, Sociology and Economics are the optional subjects related to social sciences. But, when both of them are favourite subjects to you, how will you choose the better one? A brief analysis will enable you to pick the right one for your optional paper

How Economics differs from Sociology?

Although both are social subjects, you have to learn different concepts.

Economics is a subject thatrelates to the information about consumption and production of products and services. It is also about resource management techniques.

On the contrary, Sociology is something about human development and behaviour. It also includes functions in human societies and organizational structures.

There are some more ways, in which Sociology differs from Economics.

The candidates choosing Economics have to learn economic factors and the functioning of the economies. However, Sociology focuses on social class, social stratification, law, and religion.
Economics can be classified into two ways- Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.

Microeconomics is about elements, like businesses and buyers. On the contrary, macroeconomics evaluates the overall economy, and the relevant factors, are capital, labour, and land.

As a general science related to society, Sociology applies a range of critical analysis methods and investigations. It creates a knowledge system of social changes.

Economics is a subject comprising normative and positive economics. Sociology also has covered subjects, like-

• Health
• Military
• Medicines
• Social stigma
• Social activities and social control system

Economics has its applications in government, business, and finance. But, Sociology has touched different facets of our life. It talks about legislators, policymakers, and politicians.

Should you choose Economics as the UPSC optional paper?

Economics is one of the logical and rational subject, and it is the major reason for choosing this subject for your UPSC optional paper. IAS candidates from any background easily grasp the concepts related to Economics.

Economics is more scoring when compared to other UPSC optional subjects. The syllabus for this optional paper covers more than 50% of the General Studies paper III. Thus, you will save effort for your IAS preparation. Moreover, by reading Economics thoroughly, you can score 30 marks in UPSC Prelims. The overlapping nature is highly noticeable to candidates.

Another important thing is that you can easily avail Economics books based on the clearly defined syllabus. With conceptual clarity, you can increase your scores in the subject. Still, it is better to rely on Economics teachers to prepare for UPSC in a better way.

Should you choose Sociology as the UPSC optional paper?

The major reason for choosing Sociology as the UPSC optional subject is to achieve a high score. You can write elaborate answers from general perspectives. With the Sociology test series, you may easily make your answer writing skills better.

There are mostly theoretical questions, and you can notice repetition in the previous years’ question papers. Thus, you will find the familiar questions during the exam. Write your answers confidently and get high scores.

As Sociology is a generalized subject, you need no background. It does not have a long syllabus, and you can easily avail the study materials.

You can now choose the better one between Sociology and Economics. However, you may need a professional guide for both these subjects. The best training academies provide Economics and Sociology test series 2021. The mock tests make the preparation more effective and help candidates to score higher.

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